How Can We Examine the "Success of the Tokyo Olympics"?

The Tokyo Olympics are currently underway.

There are still differing opinions on whether the Games should be held in the host city of Tokyo, where a new COVID-19 infection is spreading and a state of emergency has been declared.

With regard to the often-mentioned "success of the Tokyo Olympics", it is important to distinguish between "success of the management" and "success of the Games".

It is no secret that at the time of bidding for the Games, the inappropriate objective of the "Recovery Olympics" was set out, followed by the creation of mottoes such as "Compact Olympics", "Athletes First" and "Evidence of unity to overcome COVID-19", all of which have either failed to materialise or are poorly founded.

The plagiarism of the Games emblem, the construction of the New Japan National Stadium, the allegations of bribery in relation to the bid, the personnel problems of the opening and closing ceremonies, and the problems of the Games Organising Committee all point to omissions and shortcomings in the management of the Games.

Therefore, as for the "success of the management", it can be seen that it is far from being a "success" at the moment.

But what about the "success of the Games"?

The “success of the Games” depends on the athletes being able to demonstrate the results of their training, the absence of doping problems such as the use of illicit drugs, and the absence of health problems if the Games are held in extremely hot conditions.

In the case of doping, how to detect the use of drugs and other substances, which becomes more sophisticated every year, is a matter of operational importance and must be dealt with strictly.

It is important that the athletes are able to demonstrate the results of their training and that there are no doping problems such as the use of illegal drugs. It is also important to ensure that the athletes do not suffer health problems when competing in extreme heat: it is a key index of "success".

In this sense, it is clear that the success of the Games is closely linked to the success of the management, and if we realise that poor management can have an impact on the Games themselves, then we will have learned an important lesson for posterity.

In any case, the Games are an important subject for review and examination in terms of the nature of the Olympics, including the appropriateness of the timing of the Games.

And if we are able to reflect on what the Olympic Games are during and after the Tokyo Olympics, then its meaning is not insignificant.


