私も論文"Why Did a Journalist Want to Become a Statesperson?: In the Case of Tanzan Ishibashi"を寄稿し、それまで評論家として活動してきた石橋湛山が1946(昭和21)年に行われた第22回衆議院議員総選挙に出馬し、政治家を志した経緯について、それまでの言論活動の中での政治への関わり方に焦点を当てて検討しました。
<Executive Summary>
Journal Notice: "International Japanese Studies" Vol. 20 (Yusuke Suzumura)
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies published International Japanese Studies Vol. 20 on 10th February 2023. In this book consists of five articles, four articles for Feature Programme "Japanese Studies and Transnationalism", one book review, one activity report of the research approaches and miscellaneous report.