
でもその後おじいちゃんがお父さんに “やってみ” みたいな感じでうちの頭(だけじゃないけど)を手渡したら、もう手渡した瞬間からぎこちなさが伝わってきて、頭ぐらぐらするし耳もちゃんと塞がってなくてそのままお湯につけようとするから不安感だらけで嫌でした笑。




Maybe it was the first time taking bath in my life
My grandpa hold me at the first time.
He hold my head covering my ears with his thumb and finger, and it was very relaxing and comfortable. But after it, he passed my head(not only head lol) to my dad like “Try.”.
As soon as he passed to my dad, I could feel that he was not confident, he didn’t cover my ears perfectly, my head was not stable, and he was gonna put me into the bath. I didn’t like it lol. I think I was crying out.
I remember that some people, like my brother, grandma, mom, was around the bath and looking down at me. The image is not clear though.
I think it was only the time my grandpa took me for a bath, and later my dad did better and better.

When I try to remember about taking bath, it pops up that…
My older brother was watching me taking bath by my dad, and he showed me a toy duck.
I didn’t know what to do for it, I couldn’t understand why he shows me a duck lol, I was just watching it trying to understand him lol. If it for making baby quiet, he did good job actually lol.
