”My physical trainer once said when a part of your body gets stiff and sore, it is either 'using it too much' or 'using it too little'.
In my case, it is almost always caused by 'using it too little'.
And I think this can be true for other stuff.
I am bad with numbers, then you avoid the situation to use numbers.
You outsource the job and task which requires mathematical brain, and you begin to 'using it too little' in your daily life.
The world today embraces the functionalization so much thus it's seen 'unproductive' if you do something you are not good at doing. And it's natural you stop doing it anymore, and insted, you are over using the functions which you do well because it's simply 'productive'.
In a long human history, it's still new that people sit and stare the screens all day long even though it is something we are good at and productive. Our body is yet fully adjusted for that. We need to stand up and move, and remember also to use our functions like growing crops and chopping the wood though it might be unproductive. It will be so much better if we can use more of our potential functions without complicating it too much”