道 The Way or the path
古代インド Ancient India
Do not be led by others, awaken your own mind, amass your own experience, and decide for yourself your own path. –Atharva Veda
他人に導かれのではなく、自分の心を目覚めさせ、自分で自分の経験を積み重ね、自分の道を自分で決めなさい。 - アタルヴァ・ヴェーダ
日本 Japan
他人の道に心をうばわれ、思案にくれて立ちすくんでいても、道は少しもひらけない。 松下幸之助
If you stand still, lost in thought, with your mind preoccupied with the paths of others, the path will not open up at all. Konosuke Matsushita
Personal interpretation:In the sense that there is no other path but to find one’s own, the meaning of the quoted words from the Vedas aligns with the teachings of Master Matsushita.
ドイツ Germany
Will man Abgründe überwinden, wird man den Weg hindurch nicht finden. Ohne in die Tiefe zu blicken, muss man den Abgrund überbrücken.
Monika Kühn-Görg Eine deutsche Autorin, Lyrikerin, Aphoristikerin
モニカ キューン=ゲルグ、 ドイツの作家、詩人、アフォリスト。
English translation can be: If you wish to cross the abyss, you cannot simply walk through it. Without delving into its depths, you must find a way to bridge it. Monika Kühn-Görg A German author, poet and aphorist
Personal interpretation; I believe this aligns with the teachings of the Vedas. Instead of dwelling on the pain at hand, one should forge ahead and carve out their own path.
フランス語圏カナダ French speaking zone of Canada
Toutes les routes sont bonnes pourvu qu'on les suive jusqu'au bout.”
Yvon Rivard est un écrivain et professeur québécois, Canada
Trial translation into English:Every path is a good path if you will pursue it to the end.
Yvon Rivard is a writer and teacher from Quebec, Canada.
Personal interpretation; I’ve come to realise that once I’ve embarked on my chosen path, I should proceed without concern for whether it’s deemed good or bad. This behaviour aligns closely with the teachings of the above Veda's phrase about steadfastness of your own life.