インド歴史文化 ヴェーダの諺と世界の諺比較
インド India
Large desire is endless poverty. An Indian proverb
Indian proverb of unknown original source.
日本・中国 Japan / China
足るを知る者は富む, Widely known proverb in Japanese, however, the origin is from ancient Chinese, 知足者富.
Connotation can be: Those people are happy when they are able to be satisfied with current situation even if they feel something materialistic surrounding them is lacking. I think the underlying meaning is similar to an Indian proverb that indicates that if you only wish to fulfil your desires, your heart will become poor .
Proverbs that may be related to the Bible expressed in English.
A quiet heart is a continual feast.
Proverb seems to be related to The Bible.
意訳: 心が落ち着いていれば人はいつでも楽しみを味わえる。
Personal interpretation; there seems to be some commonality with the Indian proverb in the view that one easily loses chance of the joys. One should be quietly savouring such joys. When a person is always misled to gaining something materialistic, such joys will be gone, I guess.
ドイツ German;
Zufriedensein bedeutet nicht, alles zu haben, sondern das Beste aus allem zu machen.
Connotation can be: Being satisfied does not mean to have everything, but to create the best from everything surrounding you.
フランス France
Otez aux hommes l'ambition, la vanité et le désir d'être riches, ils tomberont dans l'inaction.
Nicolas Charles Joseph Trublet, 1697- 1770, a French churchman and moralist, critical opponent against Voltaire.
It can be: If people's ambition, vanity and desire to be rich will be taken away, people will fall into apathy.
意訳:人々の野心、虚栄心、金持ちになりたいという願望を取り除けば、人々は怠惰に陥るだろう。ニコラ・シャルル・ジョセフ・トゥルブレ, 1697- 1770, フランスの聖職者、ヴォルテールの論敵