
【労働記事サマリー/Labour-related News Summary】#0



  • 記事の元リンクは必ず貼る

  • 信頼がおけるリソースの記事のみ扱う

  • だいたい週一ペースで書く(月曜)

  • 要約作業はAIも頼る

  • 余裕があれば解説

  • 基本日英

I receive ‘labour/trade union’ related news articles of Asian countries via Google Alert every week. On this platform, I will post summaries of randomly picked articles.

Here are some of my own rules:

  • Never forget to indicate the source.

  • Only summarize articles from trusted sources.

  • In principle, post weekly (every Monday).

  • Use AI for summarizing if necessary.

  • Add my own insights only if I can.

  • In principle, post in both Japanese and English.
