
【Anger Management】 9 Tips to Control Your Anger

Today, I would like to introduce you 9 tips to control your anger. 

Beforehand, please hit the like and subscription buttons as I will introduce useful information and tips to you regular basis. 

Let's get started!!

1. Leave your house 5 min earlier than usual

Make sure you always have plenty of time. When you are in a hurry, you will feel the surroundings are too slow and feel more frustrated.  Leave home earlier than usual, you will have more space in your mind and might notice some happy smiles, singing birds and beautiful flowers.

2. Hold the anger for 6 seconds and score it out of 10 meanwhile

Just be patient for six seconds. It's said that anger peaks at six seconds after you get angry. So if you hold the anger on for six seconds, the anger flies away.  Also, score how many points out of ten that anger was, meanwhile you are holding it for 6 seconds. 

3. Say "I'm being challenged" or "Who cares? Never mind"

I would recommend that you always say things like "I'm being challenged" or "Who cares? Never mind" whenever you get mad. Use those magical phrases whenever you are having negative energy of anger or having a panic situation.
As I mentioned you in my previous YouTube videos about "Kotodama" and "Reframing", Your outputted words have big power and using them will help you to be more like your ideal person. 
I'll put the links below, so please check them out if you want to dig them deeper.


4. Disclose your weaknesses

The prouder you are, the angrier you are. If you are prideful, you get angry easily when they look you down. Expose yourself more by disclosing your weakness, and then you will be more liked by many people as you are more like a human.  There is no such thing as a perfect person, and if you understand your weakness and show them off, people will come around you and accept you for who you are. The more you do, the less angry you will be because the person you dislike will leave from you and the person you like will come to you.

5. Assert yourself with an "I-Message" daily basis

Assert yourself with an "I-Message" daily basis to those around you.  For example, It is more effective to discipline a child by saying, "I dislike you not studying," than by saying, "Study now!!" because kids don't want to be disliked by their parents fundamentally, and it is less likely to be emotional when you say in this way.
Not only to your kid but also to your family and loved ones, if you get angry, try to say "I dislike you for doing that" instead of outbursts of your emotion on a daily basis.
They will understand your personality more and more, so you will be less likely to be offended.

6. Think that failure is the system's fault, not the individual's

If someone makes a mistake, let's assume there's something wrong with that system. It's easy to be emotionally angry at that person, but other people might make that mistake too. That means there's something wrong with the system. 
For example, if you have a vase on a shelf, and someone hits the shelf, and the vase falls and breaks. Don't get mad at that person and don't put the vase there again or put a vase there that doesn't break if you improve the systems and the processes so that they don't make the same failure again. 
This tip is very effective. It is not only for your anger management, but people around you will also respect you more as you are improving the system or process for other people around you as well. You will naturally be appreciated and trusted more.
Let's appreciate to those who make mistakes and failures and say "Thank you, the system will be improved thanks to you!" 

7. Make your daily routines to get yourself organized

Get your life in order by making your morning routines, and When your life is disorganized, It is easy to get frustrated. Have a good sleep and a healthy diet. Get yourself and your room neat and tidy.  
Also having a power napping during a day can clear up your mind. I recommend you to have a power nap a couple of times of a day.  
Having some exercise is the easiest way to make yourself happy. Exercise daily like jogging, surfing, dancing, playing soccer and etc.  
You will have more space in your mind by getting your life or mind in order, so you will be like a mature, gentle person can forgive any small things.

8. Love others

Be nice to others with your love. Even if they are strangers think they are like your kids. Say "She is cute.." and "She is just spoiled by others" then your anger will be disappeared.  People are so different, and they are completely different from you. Even if they are not as you expected. Be tolerant of people who irritate you, and you say yourself "They are just like kids".

9. Prevent the infection of anger

Frustration can infect to others. If you see someone full of negative energy of anger, stay away from them as much as you can.  
If they are close to you like your family member,  Stay away and keep the distance until the person's anger settles down. Be nice to the person the next morning or when the rain stops. 
Don't sympathize them too much as you will get the anger infected and surely they will come to you again with full of negative energy whenever they are angry.

Wrapping up today's topic

Today, I introduced you the 9 tips for your "Anger management".

1. Leave your house 5 min earlier than usual
2. Hold the anger for 6 seconds and score it out of 10 meanwhile
3. Say "I'm being challenged" or "Who cares? Never mind"
4. Disclose your weaknesses
5. Assert yourself with an "I-Message" daily basis
6. Think that failure is the system's fault, not the individual's
7. Make your daily routines to get yourself organized
8. Love others
9. Prevent the infection of anger


Everyone has the emotion of anger because we are human, but it is better to live without it. I think those who easily get angry can not be succeeded as they are too immature like animals or kids. Matured successful people are good at anger management. 

Although you feel better to be angry for temporarily period, if you see it in the long run, surely you waste a lot of things. You only live once. It is excellent that you can live with a lot of happiness rather than full of negative energy of anger.  By following these tips, you will end up living your ideal happy life as a lot of smiles, wealth, happiness, friends. Opportunities are coming to you.

I will keep bringing you more useful tips regularly so please hit the like and subscription buttons. 

Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a Japanese software developer who works for the government sector. I study every day while receiving advice from my seniors in the business. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, IT, Business, Marketing, Trade, Money, Brain science and English.

▶YouTube:  youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Twitter: twitter.com/yahmane
▶Note: note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/

My Motto: "Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!"

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life hacks regularly that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.


海外の政府機関でITエンジニアをしながら起業の準備をしています。 ビジネスの先輩たちにアドバイスをもらいながら日々勉強しています。 未来・AI人工知能・IT・ビジネス・マーケティング・トレード・お金・海外生活・起業・営業・脳科学・英語などに興味があり、Indexファンドや為替通貨を中心に資産運用をしています。


▶YouTube:  youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Twitter: twitter.com/yahmane
▶Note: note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/

座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

#AngerManagement , #IMessage , #Anger , #Angry , #Frustration , #イライラ , #怒り , #自己開示 , #アイメッセージ

