Improve your communication skills! The 4 basic methods of being liked by people
Today I'd like to share with you "4 basic ways to get people to like you". If you are not liked by many people, please stick around until the end of this topic and hit the like and subscribe button if you like this topic.
A life that is hated by many people.
A life that is liked by many people.
Which life do you prefer?
If you are disliked by a lot of people, you will be "full of enemies" around you.
It has been concluded that the most important factor in increasing happiness is good relationships.
Today, I'm going to introduce you to the 4 methods of being liked by others
The 4 basic methods of being liked by people
1. The Ben Franklin effect
A person who has done someone a favour is more likely to be liked by others.
"Can I borrow your a pen?"
"Can you teach me this?"
Ask someone for a favour then the person will like you.
and then say "Thank you"
2. Mere Exposure Effect
It's the easiest and most effective of the 4 methods.
The method says that the number of times you've met someone is proportional to their likability.
The "Mere Exposure Effect" is that the more you meet them, the more you like them.
One study found that...
It is said that the likability of a person who has only met once and a person who has met 25 times is four times different.
TV commercials also aim for the "Mere Exposure Effect".
According to a University of Texas study, "butter with commercials" sold 14 times as much as "butter without commercials.
The "Mere Exposure Effect" is that "if you meet more often, the other person will like you more"...
There are some people you see every day at work that you "love" and others that you "don't.
What's the difference?
It's the amount of chit-chat.
Chit-chat is not a "necessary talk" but an "unimportant talk".
"It is nice weather today. Is not it?"
In other words, it's not just about the meeting, it's about "meeting and chatting".
This is the biggest secret to being liked by others.
You don't just come in late in the morning and leave after work straight away.
Even if it's just for a minute, talk to your colleagues. Talk about something that doesn't matter.
Not negative stories, of course, but positive ones.
Just by doing this, I think you'll be able to find someone likes you.
3. Reciprocity of Liking
The "Reciprocity of Liking" (reh·suh·pro·suh·tee) is about giving back.
If someone is kind to you, you want to return the favour.
If someone does something you don't like, you want to revenge at them!
For better or worse, it all comes back to you.
In other words, if we don't like it, they don't like it either.
If you like it, they will like it too.
If you want people to like you...
First of all, we need to "show your favour to them".
4. The Law of Similarity
As they say, "Birds of a feather flock together”
The "Law of Similarity" is the method that "similar things are attracted to each other".
We have the same interests.
We're from the same place.
It can be anything, but the more we have in common, the closer we are to each other.
Techniques to build common ground with others
So what can you do to increase the number of things you have in common with them?
It's so easy!
Be "empathetic" to what the other person is saying.
Yes, yes, yes, I know, I know! I know!
It's delicious, isn't it?" "It's annoying, isn't it?"
The more we empathize with each other, the more we have in common.
The method of being liked by people is also the method of making people happy.
If you keep doing that, everyone around you will be happy.
I hope you'll put it into practice and enjoy your days even more than you do now.
Thank you for staying me at the end of this topic.
Today I shared with you "4 basic ways to get people to like you".
1. The Ben Franklin effect
2. Mere Exposure Effect
3. Reciprocity of Liking
4. The Law of Similarity
Please use them in your daily life and feel the difference. Hopefully, you like the ideas.
If you hit the like and subscription button, you will make Uzi happy.
Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I am a Japanese software developer who works for the government sector. I study every day while receiving advice from my seniors in the business. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, IT, Business, Marketing, Trade, Money, Brain science and English.
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yahmane
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
My Motto: “Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!”
I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not very really good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.
I'll be sharing ideas and life hacks on a regular basis that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.
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座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。