
残り2日 今日のルーティン(習慣、作業)

English version can be found below..
Twitter x 1投稿 
FaceBook x 1投稿 
Note x 2投稿
TikTok x 1投稿
Instagram x 1投稿 
Tumblr  x 1投稿 
アメブロ x 1投稿 

Have a great day!

今年中に登録者100人到達しなければチャンネルを閉店ガラガラするチャレンジを実行中 やばいっす、、、

是非あなたの清き一票を↓ UZIが感謝感激になります。

▶YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Instagram: instagram.com/youtube_lifecoach_uzi
▶TikTok: tiktok.com/@youtuber_uzi
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/
▶Note: note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Twitter: twitter.com/youtuber_uzi

座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

2 days to go. Today's Activities (Routines, Habits and Tasks)

✅Morning routine (wake up at 4am > make my bed > weigh myself > ☕ >  look at vision board/goals/self image >YouTube Task for 2 hours > audiobook x walk 60 min > ☕ > 😪💤20 min > ☕ > Start my day job at 9am)

++++Below are from 9AM yesterday until now++++
✅Half-day fasting (No food except coffee and water for 15 hours)
✅Drink healthy mixed juices (kefir, baking soda, apples, vinegar and cider)
✅Boost my luck (One good thing a day, Contribution for others, Donation, Gratitude, Cleaning)
✅Don't eat too much (Do not eat more than 70% full)
✅Sleep @ 10pm
Twitter x 1 posts
FaceBook x 1 posts
Note x 2 post
TikTok x 1 post
Instagram x 1 posts
Tumblr  x 1 posts
Ameblo x 1 post 

I selpt a lot today.
I haven't slept in a while.
And then I surfed.
It was cold, but it felt great!
We were supposed to have an important demonstration today.
I selpt well to prepare for the demonstration. But the demo has been cancelled.
I went to go surfing even though there were no waves because of the sudden postponement
Thank goodness for surfing, where i can just get wet and feel great even when there are no waves
Waiting for the waves to come in the morning sun, it's the most relaxing time for me!
I saw a school of dolphins this morning, and although there were no waves, i was fully satisfied with the experience.
Well, I've got some important work flying around today, but my body is performing at its best.
I'm going to do some exciting work that I want to do and do it.
I hope you all have a great day!
Have a great day!
Thank you✌

+++Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++
I am a YouTube Life Coach - Uzi who works for the government sector as an IT.  My goal is to have 100 subscribers until the end of this year. If I cannot achieve the goal, the YouTube channel will be closed down. So please hit the subscription button and support me. So that Uzi will appreciate you.

My SNSs:
▶YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Instagram: instagram.com/youtube_lifecoach_uzi
▶TikTok: tiktok.com/@youtuber_uzi
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/
▶Note (Blog): note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Twitter: twitter.com/youtuber_uzi 

My Motto: "Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!"

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life-hacks regularly that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.

#インスタ , #モーニングルーティン , #朝活 , #英語 , #ユーチューバー , #TikTok , #MorningRoutines , #YouTuber , #HalfDayFasting , #Affirmation

