
9.和訳・意訳 Four Favorites Edger Wright


LetterboxdのYoutubeチャンネルより公開された、「Four Favorites Edger Wright」の翻訳をやりました。翻訳ミス、誤字等がございましたら、コメントより教えていただけると、幸いです。


Hey There, I'm Edger Wright.

And I am a secret letterboxd user.

My favorite films off the top of my head, and I'm just going for four favorite films that I've watched the most.

So, I haven't planned this, but this is the first four that come into my head.

・2001: Space Odyssey 

2001:Space Odyssey

I first saw on TV when i was a kid, Probably In the wake of Star Wars being released, And my parents saying "oh your should watch 2001"  

I'm not sure I entirely understood it.

But I was completely transfixed by it.

It is film that whenever it is on at the cinema, I will go.

I've seen it maybe like once a year for at least the lost ten years.

So it's become the film that I've seen the most on the big screen.

・An American werewolf in London 

An American werewolf in London 

It was one of many film that made me wanna be a director.

I think I first attempted to watch half of it, When i was ten years old, When it was on TV i was  desperate to watch it.

And when it was first on the BBC, I think 1984, My parents let me stay up and watch it.

But then around the time when David Norton get his throat slit by Nazi demons My mom was like, "Okay, bed, that's enough" 

So, I went to bet  and had terrible nightmares about it.

And eventually watched the whole films later.

But it is film to this day which has become like a desert-Island film for me.

I feel like it packs So many comedy and horror, and drama, and sexiness and amazing make up effects and amazing soundtrack choices into 92 minutes with  perhaps the best cut to black in movie.

If I missed it off my list of favorites I would be lying.

・Razing Arizona  

Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona by cohen Brothers is another film that I think when I first saw it as a teenager, I watched it immediately again afterwards.

I just Couldn't quite believe that comedy could be that stylish and that dense in terms of its visuals and in terms of its dialogue.

So funny in so many different ways.

I mean, I just think that film is miracle.

And certainly, it was a movie that me  and Simon[pegg] talked a lot about before we mad Shaun of the dead.

Even though it's not horror films, There's a lot of things in that films in terms of the pace and the drive, the really inspired Shaun.

The use of call backs within the script.

So it's a huge inspiration to me that movie.



Carrie is my favorite stephan king adaptation, and I think probably, Horror-comedy aside, My favorite horror film.

The thing I love about carrie is i think you really sympathize with the main character, And it's rare when you have a horror movie where It's both.

The end of the movie is a terrible tragedy, but you also really, really, want her to have her revenge.

I love carrie because I've watched it many times, But every time I watch it I think maybe this time it might work out okay for carrie and tommy.

Those are four, I could pick another 400, But those are the four for today.   


  • Off the top of my head・・・思いつきで

  • in the wake of・・・〜に続いて

  • transfixed・・・立ち尽くす

  • once a year・・・一年に一度

  • desperate・・・必死に欲しがる

  • desert-island・・・無人島

  • dence・・・密度の高い

  • in terms of・・・〜の観点で

  • sympathize [with]・・・〜[に]同情する

  • work out okay・・・いい結果になる
