
「道場に座る 吉福伸逸のセラピー ハードなアプローチは有害か?その5」



  • 突然の感情的な爆発

  • 激しい身体反応:

  • セラピストへの攻撃的な行動

  • セッションの突然の中断

  • 過度の沈黙
























"Sitting in the Dojo: Shinichi Yoshifuku’s Therapy - Is a Hard Approach Harmful? Part 5"

Unexpected events can happen during a counseling session. One such example is when a client’s trauma suddenly resurfaces, leading to acting out. As I mentioned previously, no matter how cautious you are, acting out can still occur.

Examples of what can happen during a session include the following:

Sudden Emotional Outbursts: A client may suddenly explode with intense emotions such as anger or sadness, crying or shouting loudly during the session.

Severe Physical Reactions: A client may experience severe physical reactions, such as hyperventilating or starting to shake.

Aggressive Behavior Toward the Therapist: A client might display aggressive behavior toward the therapist, or they may provoke the therapist by saying things they know will upset them.

Abrupt Termination of the Session: A client might suddenly stand up and leave the room during the session or say something like, “Counseling is pointless!” and try to end the session.

Excessive Silence: Another form of acting out is when a client suddenly stops talking and maintains a prolonged silence. In one case, a client remained silent for the entire 50-minute session.

Even when these unexpected situations occur, the therapist must remain quietly and calmly present. If not, the acting out could escalate, leading to a situation that becomes uncontrollable and ultimately more harmful to the client.

Shinichi Yoshifuku uses the phrase “sitting in the dojo” to describe the mindset of calmly and quietly sitting in place no matter what happens. He likens it to sitting unarmed in a dojo, quietly and steadily. However, this explanation alone might not be clear, so when I asked him further, he began telling a story about dojo challenges.

When someone challenged a dojo, they were usually led to a room to wait. The dojo couldn’t refuse the challenge, as it would affect their reputation, but they couldn’t afford to lose either. So, they would often keep the challenger waiting, and when it got dark, they would think about striking him from behind with a wooden sword.

The challenger, knowing the dojo's intentions, would calmly sit and wait. Yoshifuku says this state of mind, where the challenger sits quietly despite knowing what’s coming, is what he means by “sitting in the dojo.”

It’s an explanation that makes sense and doesn’t make sense at the same time.

I thought, “Okay, it’s about calming your breath and being present.” But is that really possible in a real situation?

Some time later, I had an experience of my own.

It was during an anonymous phone counseling session for an organization.

That day, I received a call from a man named Mr. B. He had been diagnosed with depression, and I had spoken with him twice before in phone sessions.

As soon as Mr. B spoke, he said, “Thank you for everything. I’m done. I’ve made my decision.”

When I asked what was going on, he told me he had a rope around his neck and was calling me while in that state.

To be honest, I was shaken. The first thought that came to mind was, “This is bad! What should I do?”

But it was over the phone, so maybe my agitation didn’t come across to the client.

I took a deep breath and asked Mr. B where he was at that moment. I wanted to know if he was at home or outside. If he was at home, there might be something I could do. At that moment, I was far from the calm state of “sitting in the dojo.”

But then, Mr. B’s next words saved me.

In response to my question, the client answered, “I’m in the living room right now.”

From the previous two sessions, I knew that Mr. B was a very serious person. The fact that he gave such a precise answer, “in the living room,” even though I had only asked if he was at home or outside, was very typical of him.

Realizing “that’s so like Mr. B” helped calm me down. I focused my attention on the feeling of my feet on the ground (the sensation of my feet touching the floor) and continued the conversation with Mr. B, breathing slowly.

Mr. B was standing on a chair in the living room while calling me. In that state, we continued our conversation. The discussion eventually turned to his life and family. We talked about his wife and daughter, but still, Mr. B’s determination didn’t waver.

However, Mr. B had called me. Somewhere inside him, there must have been a desire to live, to find a clue to continue living. I had no choice but to bet on that feeling and keep talking to him.

After a while, Mr. B’s tone suddenly changed. He remembered his daughter’s pink wallet. It was the first wallet she had ever owned, and he recalled how happy she had been about it. At that moment, Mr. B began to cry as he clutched that memory.

Soon after, Mr. B said, “Now that I’ve remembered my daughter, I can’t go through with it.”

I gently reminded Mr. B to remove the rope before stepping down, and he let out a small laugh and said, “Okay,” before getting down. This happened about an hour and a half after I took the call.

This became my first experience of glimpsing the mindset of “sitting in the dojo.” And it was drawn out purely by chance, through Mr. B’s words: “I’m in the living room.”

