
「テクニックではない・・繊細なアプローチ その3」
















































 僕が、彼女たちに、「What brought you here?(今日は、どんなご相談で来られたのですか?)」と最初の質問をして、セッションが始まりました。マーサが男性役、ローリーが女性役の設定でした。ふたりの間が最近どうもギクシャクして、お互いに不機嫌になっているという設定で、「暴力があった」、「浮気された」などの具体的な事件があったわけではない事例なので、焦点を絞っていくのが難しいケースです。






 最後にジュディーが「Great Improvement(大変な進歩ね)」とコメントしました。そして、「You are ready for practicum(もうプラクティカムの準備ができたわね)」と付け加えてくれました。


It’s Not Just a Technique: A Subtle Approach - Part 3

During my sessions with Lusa, I often talked in detail about my upbringing from elementary school onwards. In second grade, I was labeled not just as a shoe thief but also as a problem child who burned the stolen shoes in the incinerator, so elementary school wasn’t a comfortable place for me. I think my teachers always suspected I might cause trouble again. In reality, I was often scolded by teachers, and my mother also seemed to feel ashamed.

My mother was passionate about education. She wanted my brother and me to pursue science-related careers. She was born in 1933, so she was from the pre-war generation. She often said that people in science were not drafted during the war. Many people in the arts, including students, were drafted and ended up dying. Knowing this, it’s not hard to understand why she wanted us to follow a scientific path.

However, I felt I couldn’t live up to her expectations. My grades were terrible. In contrast, my younger brother, two years younger, was well-known for being smart, and my cousin, who was the same age as me, would eventually go to a top university. My mother never explicitly compared my grades to my brother’s or cousin’s, but I still felt an inferiority complex toward them.

My mother often said things like, “It would be great if you could become like ○○” or “Don’t you want to be like ○○?” ○○ referred to either an intellectual career or a capable person. I think she said those things to encourage me, but it only reinforced my feelings of inadequacy.

In my last story, I mentioned how my mother, who often said, “Do what you love in the future,” became angry and cried when I jokingly said I wanted to become a comedian. This was an example of a double bind, where conflicting messages are sent simultaneously. This long-term and subtle psychological intervention from my mother can be seen as a form of control.

I also often heard things like, “○○ said you’re a capable child when you put in the effort.” However, hearing that didn’t make me happy. The phrase “when you put in the effort” essentially meant, “You’re not doing well now,” and I understood that.

Through my graduate studies and sessions with Lusa, I came to understand the reasons behind my mother’s obsessive tendencies to control.

When the war ended in defeat, my mother was in the sixth grade. Being a serious person, she probably believed everything adults said. She likely never doubted that the Allied forces were the enemy and that Japan was fighting a righteous war. However, after the defeat, the adults around her suddenly changed. The same people who once called the Allies evil beasts quickly embraced pro-American sentiments and began to loudly sing the praises of democracy.

I think my mother must have been confused. I imagine she never had the chance to build a consistent sense of self during that time. That inconsistency likely caused her and others of her generation to feel anxious.

In addition, her family’s business suffered a major blow during the post-war chaos. Despite having excellent grades, my mother couldn’t go to university. However, her younger siblings could attend university after the business recovered. My mother probably placed her unrealized dreams onto her sons. But in doing so, she may have blurred the lines between her hopes and ours.

People who experience a loss of dreams due to war or disasters often end up in a similar mental state.

The psychological tendency to unconsciously make one’s children fulfill their unrealized dreams, as if they share the same emotions and thoughts, is known as narcissistic extension. It’s when a parent unconsciously views their child as an extension or part of themselves.

Additionally, my mother lost her older sister during the war. Many people she knew, directly or indirectly, also died in combat. Because of this, I believe she wanted her sons to become science elites, a field she thought had the least risk of death. While I found her desires suffocating, I gradually came to understand that my mother was also a victim of the war. She was deeply traumatized by the war and lived with constant anxiety even in the post-war period. Ensuring safety became her top priority.

As I talked about my mother with Lusa, I remembered something from my first year of junior high.

One night, I woke up and overheard a conversation from my parents’ bedroom. I heard my mother’s voice saying, “...has good grades and is well-liked by the teachers, so I think they’ll be fine, but Yoshiyuki might not make it.” I didn’t hear the first part clearly, but she was probably talking about my brother.

I was sure then that her frequent reassurances—“You’re a capable child when you put in the effort”—weren’t genuine.

After that, I heard my father’s quiet voice say, “Give him time.”

Lusa was quietly listening to my story, and then she asked, “How did you feel about your father saying, ‘Give him time’?”

I recalled that time and told her, “While I thought, ‘I’ll probably fail even in the long run,’ I still felt a little bit saved by his words.”

“But you eventually became an engineer, didn’t you? And now you’re studying in graduate school. Was there something that sparked your interest in studying?” Lusa asked.

Indeed, there was a turning point.

After entering junior high, my grades started slipping slowly at first, then rapidly, as if tumbling down a hill. The junior high I attended was a public school in Tokyo, but many students had academically driven parents who sent them to cram schools or hired private tutors. By the end of my second year, my grades were disastrous. I still vividly remember my rank: I placed 84th out of about 130 students in the final exams for core subjects like English, math, and Japanese. I thought to myself, “I’ve really hit rock bottom.”

My mother, probably feeling she had to do something, hired a student from the engineering department at the University of Tokyo as my tutor. I first met S, the tutor, during the summer break. He had a bright and cheerful personality, but I had given up on studying by that time and spent all my time reading manga.

As usual, my mother explained to S, “Yoshiyuki is a good boy deep down. He can do well if he puts in the effort.” But those words only made me more detached. I took a rebellious attitude toward S.

During one of the tutoring sessions, when S found out I hadn’t done any studying, he asked me, “Are you not motivated to study?” I braced myself for the lecture I was sure was coming and replied curtly, “No, I’m not.”

I thought he might yell at me, but that was something I was used to, so I didn’t care. However, S didn’t say anything.

When I looked at S, he wasn’t angry. In fact, he was smiling. Something felt different. Then he said, “I see. Well, let’s stop studying. Instead, how about we go grab some yakitori?”

I was confused and asked, “Yakitori?”

“Yeah, yakitori. There’s a place near the station that looks good, don’t you think?” he said, packing up his pens and getting ready to leave. He told my mother, “That’s it for today. I’m borrowing Yoshiyuki for a bit,” and took me outside. My mother was flustered but too surprised to stop us.

S took me to a yakitori restaurant for the first time, and we sat at the counter. Until then, I had only ever eaten yakitori with sauce and only the kind with green onions. The menu had all sorts of items I’d never heard of. S suggested we try some with salt, so we ordered a mix of negima, kashira, hearts, and skin with both sauce and salt. That was the first time I realized how delicious yakitori with salt could be.

S drank beer and talked about various topics—space, engineering, history, student movements, and life at university—subjects I had never heard anyone talk about before.

Later, my mother told S to never do something like that again, but after that yakitori incident, my attitude toward S changed.

S didn’t drill me with homework. Instead, he just taught me “how to study.” His methods were simple. For math, he had me thoroughly understand and repeatedly solve the example problems from the textbook and the reference book he bought for me. For English, he had me read about two pages from the textbook aloud three times every day. For Japanese, he told me to read newspaper editorials and novels.

The challenge was reading books. I had never read a proper book before. I only read manga, and my bookshelves were filled with comics. S said, “Just read anything that’s pure text.” I had a strong aversion to reading because of bad experiences with book reports, but S said, “It doesn’t matter what book it is. It can be something simple, like a detective novel.” So I started with Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders in the Rue Morgue. I found it interesting, and soon after, I moved on to Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and by my third year, I was reading more than just detective novels—authors like Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Michio Kita, as well as international authors like Salinger and Hemingway.

My grades started to rise at a pace no one expected. By my third year, I had become one of the top students in my class, though my attitude remained unchanged.

Lusa listened to this story with delight.

“S was a good teacher, wasn’t he? He brought out your potential.”

"I guess I was lucky," I said.

Lusa smiled and replied, "It wasn't just luck, Yoshi. You seized the opportunity. And when you were given time, things worked out, just as your father said, didn't they?"

In that session, I was able to recall that I had indeed overcome difficulties in the past and that people like S and my father had believed in me. This realization gave me strength.

Lusa's approach in this session wasn’t about using any special techniques. She simply listened attentively to my upbringing and occasionally asked questions that helped me deepen my understanding of myself. For instance, by focusing on my father's words, "Give him time," and asking, "But you eventually became an engineer, didn’t you? And now you’re studying in graduate school. Was there something that sparked your interest in studying?" Lusa helped me recall the “miraculous year and a half” when my grades dramatically improved. Without her questions, I might have concluded my story with the feeling that my mother never really had high expectations for me. Before talking with Lusa, I hadn’t even realized how important my father’s words were to me.

Additionally, the psychoeducation about narcissistic extension helped me better understand my mother's war trauma and the anxiety and fear that came with it. What I had once perceived as subtle, long-term mental control from my mother, I came to see as her fear and helplessness stemming from the war. Intellectually, I had known this, but through my sessions with Lusa, I came to fully grasp it on a deeper level.

Outside of my sessions with Lusa, I was also helped by many others.

During those three weeks, I practiced role-playing during my free time at school. My classmates volunteered to play the client roles, and we used empty classrooms for our practice. The two people who helped me the most were Samantha and Susan, two Taiwanese exchange students. They gave me detailed and precise feedback, pointing out both the things I was doing well and the areas where I needed improvement. Samantha, who was also in Judy's class, had seen my failed mock session. After one of our later practice sessions, she said, "You're doing much better than before." Their encouragement and support lifted me up and gave me the confidence I needed.

Finally, the day came for the last Couples Therapy class with Judy. There was a mock session before mine that received great feedback. I started to worry, wondering if I could do as well. The words “I might fail” kept coming to mind and wouldn’t go away. My body began to react the same way it had during the shoe theft incident in second grade—my heart raced, my throat tightened, and my breathing became labored. I feared my mind might go blank again.

During the break, I went to the rooftop, overlooking the streets of San Francisco, and took deep breaths. I reminded myself, “I’ve done all I could. Whatever happens, I’ll be okay.”

I met Samantha in front of the classroom. As we walked in together, she said, “Yoshi, trust yourself!”

Judy signaled for me to start, and I stood in front of my classmates. As I looked around the room, I realized that everyone was there for me, supporting me. It reminded me of the "declaration" exercise I had done in a seminar back in Japan, as I described in “Is a Hard Approach Harmful? Part 1 and 2.” Back then, the group had also been cheering me on.

The time came, and the clients, Martha and Laurie, entered the classroom. The setting was as if we were in a therapy room, welcoming the clients.

I began the session by asking them, "What brought you here today?"

Martha played the role of the male partner, and Laurie played the female partner. The case involved a situation where their relationship had recently become tense, with both partners feeling irritable. There hadn’t been any major incidents like violence or infidelity, so it was a case where it was difficult to narrow the focus.

I followed Lusa’s example, allowing for brief pauses while paying close attention to the clients' subtle changes in expression and tone, focusing on the non-verbal messages.

As the session progressed, Judy and my classmates seemed to fade from my awareness, and it felt as though only Martha and Laurie were in front of me.

I became genuinely interested in the problem they were facing. Why was there this emotional distance between them? What had made Martha angry and Laurie sad? I was able to fully concentrate on understanding their feelings.

As the session went on, both of their expressions softened. Although the problem wasn’t fully resolved, the first steps toward resolution became clearer. At that point, the 30-minute mock session came to an end.

Applause erupted at that moment. Most of the feedback from my classmates was positive.

Judy gave her final comment: “Great improvement,” she said. Then she added, “You’re ready for the practicum.”

I had made it—I was now ready to move on to the practicum. I owed it to Judy, Lusa, Samantha, Susan, and my classmates.

