
極限の集中力 "フロー状態" を作り出す





(a)精神力の程度 (b)集中する対象の目的・重要度 (c)集中する能力の程度 が挙げられます。
(a)精神的な問題については、年齢や脳の構造に大きく左右されますし、(b)集中の対象とするものの目的・重要度によって意識の向け方が異なります (c) 集中するテクニックを自然と習得できている人もいれば、全く習得できない人もいますので能力の程度の差もあります。

■ 集中力の公式
(a)精神力の程度 × (b)集中する対象の重要度 × (c)集中する能力の程度 =  集中力

(a)精神力の程度 や (b)集中する対象の重要度 の向上ついては、医学的な見地や環境によって左右されることから割愛させていただきますが、(c)集中する能力の程度 についてはコツを学び、訓練することによって向上することができます。


心理学者のチクセントミハイは、時間を忘れるほど何かに没頭した "フロー状態" の構成要素を以下の8つ挙げています。

4.時間感覚のゆがみ - 時間への我々の主体的な経験の変更
{典拠 wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/フロー_(心理学)}

そのため、自分の能力の程度(Skill and confidence level) に対して 挑戦するレベル(Degree of challenge) を共に高める事によりバランス取る必要があります。


(グラフ典拠 Pinterest https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/633318766324063055/)


集中力を高めるためには、ストレス状態 (交感神経優位)とリラックス状態 (副交感神経優位)の両者が必要だと前述しましたが、私なりにフロー状態を生みだすコツを3つ述べたいと思います。

■ 難易度設定
例) 設定にあたり過去の自己最高記録を用いる

■ 環境づくり

■ 心と体を鍛える


思い立ったら吉日。この文章を最後まで読み終えた方は早速、私がお勧めする簡単な"フロー 状態"の作り方を以下のステップで行なってみてください。

① 身の回りの阻害要因を片付ける
② 5分間で自己の能力で覚えられるであろう英単語数の目標を立てる
③ 手書き・音読をして目標達成に挑戦





Getting in the "Flow State" The ultimate concentration

Whether it's the deadline for work or date of examination of are creeping yet you can't focus and get started on the necessary task. On the other hand, when doing work or study comfortably on weekends, I was able to concentrate deeply losing track of time. Have you experienced this phenomenon?

What mechanism creates focus/concentration that is vital for various situations such as job, study, and sports. In this article, we will discuss about concentration and tips to create the ultimate form of concentration "Flow State".

■Concentration can be trained

Level of concentration has personal variation between people.
For example some could study and work focused for hours, while some are easily distracted who will check their phones in couple minutes.

Where does this variation of concentration originate from?

The answers are complex and diverse, but they can be broadly classified into (a) the degree of mental strength, (b) the importance of the subject to be focused, and (c) the ability to concentrate.
(a) As for mental power, it depends greatly on the age and the structure of the brain. (b) The direction of consciousness differs depending on the importance of the object of concentration. (c) There is a difference in their ability as some people naturally learn to concentrate techniques, while others cannot at all.

(a)degree of mental strength× (b)importance of the subject/task being focused on × (c)degree of power to concentrate

The level of concentration for an individual can be represented by the formula above.
Improving the (a)degree of mental strength and (b)importance for the subject of focus greatly depends on the medical point of view and the environment, thus we will omit the discussion about it. (c)Degree of power to concentrate can be trained and improved by learning the tips and working on it.
Seiji Ozawa, a world-class conductor, said that "concentration is not a genetic gift, it's all about training."

■Create a "flow state": the ultimate concentration

Psychologist Csikszentmihalyi cites the following eight elements of the "flow state" that make you focused enough to forget about time.

1. Clarity of goals and immediate feedback (recognizing expectations and laws)
2. A high level of concentration on a limited field
3. Merging of action and awareness
4. A distortion of temporal experience, one's subjective experience of time is altered
5. Direct and immediate reaction (success and failure in the process of activity are clearly defined, and behavior is adjusted as needed)
6. Balance between skills and challenge of the task
7. A sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity.
8. Experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding, also referred to as autotelic experience. So the activity doesn't become a chore.

Source: wikipedia

What is important here is that not only relaxation but also stress is required at the same time to get into a flow state. In other words, it is necessary to maintain the coexistence balance (parasympathetic dominance) of parasympathetic nerve (relaxation) and sympathetic nerve (stress). And, it is necessary to increase the degree of challenge against your skill and confidence level.


Source for Graph: Pinterest https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/633318766324063055/

■Tips for creating the Flow State
I mentioned earlier that both stress (sympathetic dominance) and relaxed (parasympathetic dominance) are necessary to improve concentration, but I would like to give you three tips for creating a flow condition. ..

■ Difficulty setting

To get in the flow state, the goal cannot be set too easy and achievable nor too difficult. The optimum goal setting should be the level where you can have a challenge to achieve by 100% hard effort. Therefore, set time

restraints based on your ability and predict how long the task will take for your ability.

■ Creating the Environment

There are thousands of obstacles that could prevent a focused session such as TV, phones, games, etc. Therefore it is essential to remove these distraction hazards. Turn off the TV and phone so it doesn’t catch your eye. As mentioned, the sensation of stress and relaxation need to coexist. Create an environment that makes your relaxed slightly more than the task stress by having your favorite drink, chill music, or favorite aroma scent.

■ Train your mind and body

If you are ill or procrastinating and goofing around there is a problem aside from getting into flow state. The level of concentration can be achieved by having your mind and body in harmony and order. In order to create the ultimate “flow state” exercise moderately and work towards harboring mental strength.

■Take action

If you think of it If you have read this article to the end, please follow the recommended steps below to create the "flow state".

Example for studying foreign language

① Clear the environment around and remove sources of distraction

② Make a goal for the amount of vocabulary that you think you can learn in 5 minutes with your current ability.

③ Hand write, say it out loud and challenge yourself to achieve the target amount.

Extra tip, repetition above 7 times after leaving some time in between to convert the short term memories to long term.

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To create peak concentration requires build up of training experience over a long period.

Even if it's only a couple minutes per day please try to work on and develop the components to create the flow state and live a fulfilled life !
