
Wahoo ELEMNT ACE は誰向けなのか?/Who Is the Wahoo ELEMNT ACE For?

Wahoo ELEMNT ACE を購入しました(ウキウキで待機中)


I’ve purchased the Wahoo ELEMNT ACE (I’m eagerly waiting for it to arrive). This is Wahoo’s new cycling computer. Although it comes with a feature to measure aerodynamics, there are a lot of comments saying it’s not very practical. Also, due to its larger size, it’s heavier, and so it doesn’t seem to be getting much praise. In fact, there are a lot of scathing reviews out there.

I expect that soon there will be a flood of sponsored reviews from well-known cycling YouTubers. I’m sure they’ll shower it with glowing praise (lol). They’ll likely only point out a few negative aspects—like the high price and the heavier weight—and then end up giving it a high rating. That’s probably how the reviews will go.




  • 99,000円(税抜)という価格設定が高すぎる。

  • 競合製品と比較して割高感があり、コストパフォーマンスが悪い。


  • 大型ディスプレイを搭載しているため、重量が重すぎる。

  • 軽量化を求めるサイクリストにとっては明らかに不向き。


  • タッチスクリーンの応答性が悪い。

  • 物理ボタンの反応性が悪い。


  • 内蔵ウインドセンサーの実用性や精度に対する疑問。

  • 風の影響を数値化する機能がそもそも必要か?


  • 最大30時間のバッテリー駆動時間が謳われているが、実際の使用環境はどうか疑問。


  • 発売直後のソフトウェアに一部バグが存在。


Here’s a summary of the main points of dissatisfaction gathered from current reviews in various countries:

Price Complaints

  • The set price of ¥99,000 (before tax) is far too high.

  • Compared to competing products, it feels overpriced and offers poor cost performance.

Size and Weight Issues

  • Due to the large display, the device is excessively heavy.

  • Clearly unsuitable for weight-conscious cyclists.

Usability Concerns

  • The touchscreen responsiveness is poor.

  • The physical buttons are also unresponsive.

Doubts About New Features

  • Skepticism regarding the practicality and accuracy of the built-in wind sensor.

  • Is there really a need to quantify the effect of wind?

Battery Life Worries

  • It’s advertised to last up to 30 hours, but real-world usage is uncertain.

Initial Bugs

  • Some software bugs are present right after release.

Despite all these comments, as a devoted Wahoo fan, I’ve already bought it and can’t wait for it to arrive. It’s scheduled for delivery tomorrow, December 10, 2024. I’ll likely be able to get my hands on it the following day, the 11th. I’m looking forward to testing it out!


Wahoo ELEMNT ACEは、大画面ディスプレイ、優れたナビゲーション機能、長時間バッテリー駆動を特徴とする引き続きUI/UXに優れた高性能サイクルコンピューターであり、非常に有用性が高い。






Is This New Product an Effective Move from a Strategic Management Perspective?

Given that Wahoo isn’t exactly operating on entirely stable financial ground, I have to say I highly doubt this device has enough impact to significantly turn their performance around.

Wahoo has historically distinguished itself from Garmin by focusing on a streamlined UI/UX. That simplicity was central to the brand’s appeal. Now, with this new device, they’ve taken a different direction by pursuing advanced functionality—like aerodynamics measurement—which to me seems at odds with the vision Wahoo originally stood for.

It makes me wonder if this is a classic case of “getting it wrong” precisely because they appear to be doing the “right” thing: researching the market and listening to consumer needs. To me, it’s more important to stay true to what you believe in and keep building on that vision without wavering.


一方でニッチなピンポイントターゲットである私は、画面が大きくなったことでMAPの視認性が向上し、UI/UXも従来通りの使いやすさを維持している点、この点では間違いなく満足する製品だと思う。しかしWAHOO ELEMNT BOLTは手放せない。

不評ポイントは2台運用においてリカバーできるので、例えば重量増に関しては特に気になりません。ヒルクラTTではサブ機としてのWAHOO ELEMNT BOLTを使えばよいので問題ないです。



I’m Their Target Audience

On the other hand, I happen to be the perfect niche target for this product. The larger screen makes maps much more readable, and the UI/UX is every bit as user-friendly as before—so in that sense, I’m sure I’ll be satisfied. But even so, I can’t let go of my WAHOO ELEMNT BOLT.

From a two-device perspective, the common complaints become non-issues. For example, the extra weight isn’t a concern if I simply use the BOLT as my secondary device for hill climbs or TTs. As for cost, I can decide not to use the aerodynamic features if they aren’t worth it to me. Meanwhile, the vastly improved visibility and map display could easily make me forget any drawbacks that come with the larger screen.

Still, if I really find the screen too big and impractical, I’ll just continue using my current computer and quickly resell the new one. However, I think that’s highly unlikely. The big battery is just too tempting. For someone like me, who plans to tackle ultra-distance rides such as 400 km brevets, having a computer that can handle such distances on a single charge is practically a dream come true. Even if I carry a backup device just in case, it’s great to know that one unit can reliably last the entire ride.


I get the sense that this device is specifically aimed at a pretty tiny market: Wahoo devotees who are also long-distance riders benefiting from a large-capacity battery. As a fellow Wahoo believer, I genuinely hope it will defy my expectations and sell surprisingly well. I also hope that once I actually use it, it’ll be so good that it makes me take back anything critical I’ve said. I’m really looking forward to my ride this weekend!



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