
日本酒ダイニング栄三郎 で"酔い(良い)"ひとときを愉しむ。/ Enjoy a Good Time at SAKE Dining Eizaburo 

2023.7.30(日)のお昼、埼玉県さいたま市 浦和区にある日本酒ダイニング 栄三郎に妻と行ってきました。場所は、浦和駅から少し離れていますが、調神社(つき じんじゃ)のすぐ脇にあるお店です。今年度、清酒関連の調査研究事業を正式に実施することとなり、一緒に活動するベテラン診断士の方からご紹介いただいたことがきっかけです。
On Sunday, July 30, 2023, my wife and I went to "Sake Dining Eizaburo" located in Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. The restaurant is located a little far from Urawa Station, right next to the Tsuki Jinja Shrine. We were introduced to Eizaburo by a veteran consultant with whom we will be working this year, as we will be conducting an official sake-related research project.
The name "Eizaburo" was taken from the name of his grandfather who originally ran a sake store in Urawa. I could sense from the outside of the restaurant that the owner is a sake lover and is very particular about sake, and I had a feeling that the bar would be very high. However, the owner explained everything in detail to a casual customer like me, and even during lunch time, I was able to enjoy the sake and dishes in a relaxed atmosphere.

I ordered the lunch-only set meal of simmered silver cod and my wife ordered the set meal of grilled salted mackerel. We started eating as soon as the dishes arrived because they looked so good, and the atmosphere in the relaxed restaurant was such that we were not allowed to take pictures (probably because I just thought so myself), so I forgot to take pictures of the dishes.

We ordered sake, which is the purpose of this visit. The menu is handwritten, as shown in the photo below. Seasonal sake will be sold out in about a week to 10 days after they stock it.... Since the purpose of the research project is to promote the sake of Saitama Prefecture, we decided to have the limited edition of Saitama's best sake listed at the top of the menu.

両面に記載されていて、これ以外にも壁にも銘柄が多数記載されており、オーナーにより厳選された日本酒を飲むことができます。75ml サイズのお猪口で飲むことも可能なのでさまざまな銘柄を愉しめます。
The sake is listed on both sides, and in addition to this, there are many other brands listed on the walls, carefully selected by the owner. You can also drink sake from a 75ml sized sake cup, so you can enjoy a variety of sake brands.

天覧山(五十嵐酒造さん)は、春の蔵祭りでいただきましたので、今回は、九重桜大瀧酒造さん(さいたま市))と釜屋新八釜屋さん(加須市))、そして直実権田酒造さん(熊谷市))の順番で3銘柄を75ml ずついただきました。やはり1合ずつだと、昼からは少々きついので75mlでいただけるのが嬉しい。
Since we had Tenranzan (Igarashi Shuzo) at the spring brewery festival, this time we had three brands of 75ml each: Kokonoe Sakura (Otaki Shuzo, Saitama City), Kamaya Shinpachi (Kamaya, Kazo City), and Naozane (Gonda Shuzo, Kumagaya City). I was glad to be able to drink 75ml of each sake, as one cup of sake each is a little too much to drink from noon on.

Kokonoe Sakura (Otaki Shuzo, Saitama City)
Kamaya Shinpachi (Kamaya, Kazo City)
Naozane (Gonda Shuzo, Kumagaya City)

It was a good time to enjoy good food and sake in the middle of the day on a hot summer day. Walking through the back streets to Urawa station in a tipsy mood is also a pleasure. If you want to enjoy carefully selected sake, please visit here. It is recommended to make a reservation in advance.

埼玉県のお酒に関する調査研究を実施している旨を伝えると、オーナーから、大宮にある「蔵元直送 埼玉の地酒処  うりんぼう」というお店をご紹介いただきました。機会を見つけて伺いたいと思います。
When I told the owner that I was conducting research on sake in Saitama Prefecture, he introduced me to a restaurant in Omiya called "Urimbou,” a local sake restaurant in Saitama, directly from the brewery. I would like to visit there when I have a chance.

P.S. Later that day, 10 members from consultants of the research project had a kick-off meeting at "Eizaburo". Thank you very much for the good time.

調神社の境内 (栄三郎さんは、この境内から徒歩50m程のすぐそばです。)
Tsuki Jinja Shrine (Eizaburo is just a 50-meter walk from this shrine.)


Round's Consulting