CRAFT SAKE WEEK 2023@六本木ヒルズアリーナ/ at Roppongi Hills Arena
2023年4月21日(金)CRAFT SAKE WEEK 2023 (@ 六本木ヒルズアリーナ)に妻と参加してきました。東京・六本木にて、4年振りの開催とのことで、その初日でした。前回のnote (春の蔵開き・蔵祭り)でご紹介した通り、中小企業診断士でもあり、唎酒師・日本酒品質鑑定士・日本酒学講師等、多方面でご活躍されている方が唎酒師スタッフとして参加されるのでその応援と、日本酒に関して新たな勉強・発見等が目的です。
On Friday, April 21, 2023, my wife and I joined CRAFT SAKE WEEK 2023 at Roppongi Hills Arena (an area of central Tokyo located in Minato City. ). It was the first day of the event, held in Roppongi, Tokyo, for the first time in four years. As I mentioned in my previous note (Spring Kurabiraki and Kura Matsuri), I joined this event to support sake tasters, sake quality appraisers, and sakeology lecturers who are also enterprise management consultants and learn and discover new things about sake.
My first experience this time was so-called sparkling sake (second fermentation in the bottle). I guess it depends on the brand, but my first sip was like, "What? Is this wine?" and the second was, "It's sake, absolutely." This product will lead and drive the sake boom, and I imagine it is the fruit of the breweries' trial and error and efforts.
There are many historical sake breweries that have been in business for more than 200 years, and considering that their products have been accepted by the consumers of that era and have continued to be a catch-all for the sake industry, it is very exciting to see how they are creating new products such as sparkling sake and creating another new history of sake. I am sure they will make another history of sake by developing new products such as sparkling sake.
People gathered, talked, and smiled where there was sake. Every table and standing seat was full. I joined it on my way home from work this time, but the event will be held every weekday and weekend until Sunday, April 30, so please drop by on your way home from work or stay there on the weekend, whichever suits your schedule. We are sure that you will make discoveries and encounters.
(CRAFT SAKE WEEK 2023 Web Site より)
You can enjoy sake from 100 breweries in 10 days.
仕事帰りに久しぶりに六本木へ(何年振り?)/After work, I went to Roppongi for the first time in years.
After work, I met with my wife and headed for the Roppongi Hills Arena.
I thought I arrived there without any problems, but I got the floor number of the venue wrong and ended up on a much higher floor (laugh). However, as you can see in the photo below, I could see the entire venue, which was good for me.
(間違えて、上の階層まで来てしまいました(笑)。18:30頃に到着/ (I made a mistake and came to the upper level (laugh), arriving around 6:30 p.m.))
無事に会場へ、チケットの引換と購入/ Arrived at the venue without troubles, exchanged and purchased tickets.
I had purchased a starter set in advance, so I went to the venue after exchanging that ticket and buying a ticket for my wife for one day.
Advance tickets will allow you to enter the venue smoothly.
You can also purchase tickets on the day of the event. Additional ticket sellers were also at the venue.
This is an original sake cup. The capacity is about 1.5 to 2 times larger than a normal sake cup.
(They can use it as much as they want during the event.)
(Tables and standing drinking tables were already filled, so went to the empty ones)
4月21日(金)の10の蔵元さん/10 breweries on Friday, 21st April.
10 breweries on Friday, 21st April.
(CRAFT SAKE WEEK 2023 Web Site より)
いろいろと美味しいお酒と料理をいただきましたが、ここでは3つの蔵元さんについて、この note に残したいと思います。
We had a variety of delicious sake and food, but I would like to share three breweries in this note.
まずは、南部美人(岩手)さんから。/First brewery is Nanbu Bijin. (Iwate prefecture)
Firstly, I tried sake here because I had previously read a book titled "KANPAI with Sake" which is about Nanbu Bijin brewery.(In this book, I learned about diversification of products, exporting products overseas, the importance of human networking, and how managers should always have a positive attitude even in times of hardship (it is just my interpretation of the book).
南部美人さんでは、「純米大吟醸 愛山」をいただきました。素人なのでうまく言葉で表現できませんが、どちらかというと辛口が苦手な私にとっては、非常に飲みやすく甘口で気軽に呑めてしまうことから、本当に気を付けないと飲み過ぎてしまうお酒の部類です。唎酒師の方からのご説明やおそらく蔵元さん(女性の方)に丁寧に応対いただきました。
At Nanbu Bijin, we tried Junmai Daiginjo Aizan. As an amateur, I cannot express it well in words, but for me, who does not like dry sake, it is a category of sake that I tend to drink too much if I am not really careful, because it is very easy to drink and sweet. The sake taster explained in detail to us and the brewer (a woman) was very kind and helpful.
For more information on Junmai Daiginjo Aizan, please refer to Nanbu Bijin's website.
続いて、我らが埼玉県の滝沢酒造さん(埼玉)/Next, Takizawa Brewery. (Saitama prefecture)
我らが埼玉県の蔵元さんと言いながらも・・・、申し訳ありません、今回初めて同蔵元さんのスパークリング日本酒をいただきました。いただいたのは、「菊泉 ひとすじ」です。こちらは、埼玉の酒造好適米である「さけ武蔵」等も利用しているとのこと。イタリアンと合わせての楽しみ方を提案されていますが、ピリ辛なイタリアンほど、フルーティで甘めのこのお酒が合うのではないでしょうか(素人の感想ですみません)。日本酒ブームといっても、まだまだ試したことがない方も多数いらっしゃると思うので、今後もどんどん展開いただきたいと思いました。今回、「ひとすじロゼ」の方は試しませんでしたが、別の機会にていただきたいと思います。間違いなくおいしいはず。
Although we say we are from Saitama Prefecture, we are sorry to say that this was the first time we had sparkling sake from this brewery. The sake we tried was "Kikusen Hitosuji. This sake is made from "Sakemusashi" rice, which is a rice suitable for sake brewing in Saitama. This sake is suggested to be drunk with Italian food, and I think this fruity and sweet sake goes well with spicy Italian food (sorry for my amateur opinion). Despite the sake boom, I believe there are still many people who have never tried it, so I hope to see more and more of it in the future. I did not try the "Hitosuji Rosé" this time, but I would like to try it on another occasion. I am sure it will be delicious.
シャンパン製法を応用した瓶内二次発酵による 透明な発泡性純米酒
A clear sparkling Junmai-shu made by secondary fermentation in the bottle using the Champagne process.
With spicy penne (↓) from la Brianza.
最後は、八戸酒造さん(青森)です。/Lastly, Hachinohe Sake Brewery. (Aomori prefecture)
「甘みのあるスパークリングではなくドライなんですよ~」という説明をいただいた「8000 DRY SPARKLING」です。唎酒師の方から「まず一口飲んでみてください、どうですか?」、一口いただいた後、「え?、ワイン?(私)」の後に、「もう一度、飲んでみてください(唎酒師)」、「あ、やっぱり日本酒!(笑)」等のやり取りがあり、人間の味覚に対する不思議な感覚が醸成されワクワク感が生まれました。日本酒の可能性を拡げてくれる商品だと改めて思います。
This one was recommended by an associate of mine who was also participating as a sake taster.
The sake taster recommended "8000 DRY SPARKLING," explaining that it was not a sweet sparkling wine but a dry one. The sake taster said, "Try a sip first, how do you like it?" After taking a sip, I asked, "What? Is this wine? (me)", followed by "Please try it again (sake taster)", "Oh, it's sake after all!." This dialogue generated a sense of wonder and excitement about the human sense of taste. I believe once again that this is a product that expands the possibilities of sake.
謝辞と終わりに。/Thanks and Summary
We also enjoyed some of these other drinks. Thank you very much, I think I stayed for about an hour and a half. There was a new discovery for me, sparkling sake. It was wonderful to have a connection with the consultants and sake tasters who introduced me to this event, and I am very glad that I was able to experience a different feeling from the brewery openings (Kurabiraki) and local food eating and drinking that I have attended in the past.
You can pour your favorite sake at this counter.
This was the first time in four years that the event was held, and with the spread of COVID-19 still not completely over, I am sure that a lot of thought and challenges went into the planning stages of the event. The staff at the venue also enjoyed themselves so much that we were able to spend a time forgetting about our daily lives. Thank you very much. I hope they will continue to do their best until the last day of the event. If I have enough energy, I will participate on another day.
Objects designed to look like sake cups with sake “masu” (a square, traditionally wooden “Japanese Cedar or Cypress” vessel now most commonly used for, and associated with, drinking sake.)
Next time, probably during Golden Week, we plan to visit sake breweries in the Chichibu area of Saitama Prefecture and "Anfes" (Red bean jam Festival) in Saitama City.
P.S. After this visit, we stopped by our son's part-time job at Ippudo (a ramen shop)) for the first time. We were a little impressed to see him working so quickly and efficiently in the kitchen, which was different from what we usually see him doing. We enjoyed the ramen and other dishes made by my son very much.
Lastly, thanks to my wife for accompanying me to this event.
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