
30 Days of Squircle | Part 3

Hello 🌻✨

Previously, I shared about a daily challenge I've started doing, called '30 Days of Squircle'. Today I will be a continuing a part 3 of it :)☆

For the previous two parts, check them out via the links below.

🌟 30 Days of Squircle | Part 1 🌟
🌟 30 Days of Squircle | Part 2 🌟

As I experimented little by little, these tiny yet pleasurable canvases of creativity, they helped me realize certain things as well.

Upon creating these pieces, I realize some ideas worked pretty well, and some not very much so. These open up the thought and provided reminder that things may not always work as nicely as we'd imagine it to be.

However, these 'failures' and sometimes not-so-great pieces are also part of the process and oftentimes function as building blocks for other ideas or projects that are to come.

Squircle Day 21 & 22
Squircle Day 23 & 24

In these last set of 10 squircles, I experimented around gradients; the tool in general, as well as using them as a continual play with light and shadow to create form and expression. I also spent a little more attention on more intricate details when creating these pieces ✿

Squircle Day 25 & 26
Squircle Day 27 & 28

I also made some attempts to go bold and try some things and styles that I usually wouldn't really go for or can't exactly visualize them until putting them onto paper/canvas. There are some pieces that I felt I could continue working on them further, but I left them as they are for some intrigue and wonder as well.

Squircle Day 29 & 30

After doing a run of 30 days creating these squircles, I felt they were fun to do and I learnt more about myself, various explorations and have a greater appreciation for creative play and its importance in our every day as creatives :)♡

I hope these bloom some interesting ideas and inspiration for you as well in pursuing things that make your heart sing a little more amidst the busy or mundane of every day living :)☆

Till the next set of 30 Days of Squircle ;)✿

Cherish and bloom those precious inspiration and moments that ignite joy deep within you :)🌸✨

:) 🌸🌿✨
Image by katemangostar


Header credits:
Banner design by Yi Thying

