ルーシーの骨の60% Vol.26 ~みたことの代理(思案)~ - Thinking about proxy for what we have seen
今日までにみつかっている人類の祖先に近いとさせる化石は、ルーシーと名付けられた。”ルーシーはエチオピアの浅い川底で発見され、骨格の推定40%が完全な形で残っていた” とされている。
The only fossil found to date that makes it closer to the human ancestor was named Lucy." Lucy was found in a shallow riverbed in Ethiopia, where an estimated 40 percent of the skeleton remained intact."
It is a project to add a table of contents to the sources for the production that will be created in the course of the activity, and to present something that has not yet been found in the process of being produced, in the title "60% of the bones that Lucy has not yet found.
みたことの代理(思案) /The proxy for what we have seen
It is a prototype for a solo exhibition scheduled for December 2022 at KOBE819GALLERY.
1枚目とコピーできなかった2000枚目の関係は、コピーできてしまった”期待値”をあきらかにする。期待値という主観がつくる想像とその裏切りを ”みたことの代理” と呼ぶことにして、”仮想にある”あの山””として立ち上げる。
A=AA≠A consists of a single photograph and 2000 copies of the image.
The relationship between the first copy and the 2000th copy that could not be copied reveals the "expected value" that could have been copied.
We will call the imagination and its betrayal created by the subjectivity of expectations a "Proxy for what we have seen"
We will launch as "that mountain" in the virtual world
図面とは? What is Drawing?
We will try to interpret it by tracing it to the engineering work the artist is doing on the side. First, we begin with the interpretation of the drawing. The interpretation is "a drawing expressed in advance (in advance) in order to create a work of art.
事前につくろうとした製品 と できあがった製品 Pre-production and finished product
When we draw a product, we assume in advance what the product will look like. However, it is "very rare" for a product to actually be made according to the drawings. By the time the development of a product is completed, the drawings are the finished product, but in such cases, the drawings are either modified to match the finished product, or the drawings are modified to make the product look like the product that was intended to be made in advance. This "staging" eliminates the "betrayal" of the finished product, and the product looks the same to us.
A=AA≠Aを解釈する手段としての提案 Suggestion as a means to interpret A=AA≠A
If the drawing = A, the product made in advance is A', and the finished product is B, then A=AA≠A shows A and B. However, does not the completion of B reveal the true form of A'? This is the question we are asking this time.
東地雄一郎/ Higashiji Yuichiro