トマ・ピケティ「21世期の資本」を英語で読む 4週目
Finally, when we compare the structure of national capital in the eighteenth century to tis structure now, we find that net foreign assets play a negligible role in both periods, and that the real long-run structural change is to be found in the gradual replacement of farmland by real estate and woking capital, while the total stock has remained more or less unchanged relative to national income.
If a country does not default in one way or another, either directly by simply repudiating its debt or indirectly through high inflation, it can take a very long time to pay off such a large public debt.
Once inflation becomes permanent, lenders will demand a higher nominal interest rate, and the higher price will not have the desired effects.
Similarly, when John Maynards Keynes wrote in 1936 about "the euthanasia of the rentier," he was also deeply impressed by what he observed around him: the pre-World War Ⅰ world of the rentier was collapsing, and there was in fact no other politically acceptalbe way out of the economic and budgetary crisis of the day.
The first thing to notice is that the overall evolution is similar: first, agricultural land gave way in the long run to residential and commercial real estate and industrial and financial capital, and second, the capital/income ratio has grown steadily since World War Ⅱ and appears to be in its way to regain the level it had attained prior to the shocks of 1914 -1945.
At this stage, suffice it to say that the lower market value of German firms appear to reflect the character of what is sometimes called "Rhenish capitalism" or "the stakeholder model"that is, en economic model in which firms are owned not only by shareholders but also by certain other interested parties known as "stakeholders," starting with representatives of the firms' workers (who sit on the boards of directors of German firms not merely in a constructive capacity but as active participants in deliberations, even though they may not be shareholders), as well as representatives of regional governments, consumer' associations, environmental groups, and so on.
All available sources indicate that the changes observed in Britain, France, and Germany (which together in 1910 and again in 2010 account for more than two-thirds of the GDP of Western Europe and more than half of the GDP of all or Europe) are representative of the entire continent: although interesting variations between countries do exist, the overall pattern is the same.