
【Koyomi】February 7, 2024

Life with a vegetable Garden|Lettuce (Sanchu)

This winter, I am growing lettuce. I am cultivating it from seeds given to me by the kind neighbor from the next field over. They are still small, but I am looking forward to harvesting them as we head into spring.


The introduction of lettuce

Lettuce was introduced to Japan from the continent during the Nara period, believed to be what is now known as "Kaki-jisha," and has been used since ancient times. Until the Meiji era, when new varieties of lettuce were introduced from the West, it was cultivated as a native vegetable but did not become widely popular. In Korea, it is an important vegetable, known as an indispensable ingredient for barbecue dishes. The texture is crisp, and it is used not only to wrap grilled meat and as a fresh salad ingredient but also in cooked dishes like stir-fries. In recent years, it has also become one of the vegetables gaining attention in Japan.



Easy Lettuce Recipe

Lettuce is delicious as a simple salad, but with a little creativity, you can enjoy it in even more delightful ways. Here, I will introduce an easy recipe using lettuce.

Lettuce Wraps

  • Ingredients: Sliced chicken breast, lettuce, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper

  • Instructions:

    1. Season the chicken breast with soy sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic, salt, and pepper, then sauté in a frying pan.

    2. Wash the lettuce leaves and pat them dry.

    3. Wrap the sautéed chicken in the lettuce leaves and enjoy.

Lettuce Namul

  • Ingredients: Lettuce (as needed), 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 clove of garlic (minced), a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of sesame seeds

  • Instructions:

    1. Wash the lettuce and pat dry, then cut into bite-sized pieces.

    2. Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and sauté the minced garlic until fragrant.

    3. Once the garlic is fragrant, add the lettuce and quickly sauté, then season with salt.

    4. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds to finish.




  • 材料: 鶏胸肉(細切り)、サンチュ、にんにく(みじん切り)、醤油、ごま油、塩、胡椒

  • 作り方:
    1. 鶏胸肉を醤油、ごま油、にんにく、塩、胡椒で味付けして、フライパンで炒めます。
    2. サンチュの葉を洗って水気を切ります。
    3. 炒めた鶏肉をサンチュで包んで食べます


  • 材料:サンチュウ(適量)、ごま油(大さじ1)、にんにく(みじん切り1片)、塩(少々)、ごま(少々)

  • 作り方:

    1. サンチュウは洗って水気を切り、食べやすい大きさに切ります。

    2. フライパンにごま油を熱し、みじん切りにしたにんにくを炒めます。

    3. にんにくが香り立ったら、サンチュウを加えてさっと炒め、塩で味を調えます。

    4. 皿に盛り付け、ごまを散らして完成です。
