(一言ジャーナリング風味チャレンジ0--)2020.09.02 軽量 (One-word journaling flavor challenge 0--)
9/2 「これまでに「何かを乗り越えた感じ」って経験したことがあるかい?どんなに小さなことでもいい。普段通らない街を歩いてみたでも、嫌だった雨の日を楽しく思えたでも、新しい趣味のかけら、本当に興味ができたくらいでいいけど、見知らぬ人が迷っているとき道案内をしたでも、なんでもいい。その時間の積み重ねが、生きるということを形にしている」
↓おまけ ササハタハツの日常遣いのスイーツ。いいお店多いけど「うち用に少しだけ」なら。メロンパンが看板ですが、前も書いたかもしれませんがここのいいところはどれ食べてもいい感じなアベレージヒッター感
9/2 "Have you ever experienced "feeling that you have overcome something"? No matter how small it is. Even if I walked in a town I usually do not pass, I felt happy on a rainy day that I didn't like, but I was really interested in new hobbies, but I gave directions when strangers were wondering, Anything is fine The accumulation of that time is a form of living.''
Feeling a little tired. Yesterday's training was more than a weekday's everyday life that didn't look good, and a dissatisfaction with myself that didn't work.
It is ideal to pretend that you don't look at this, or to scatter it in the form of sludge, but to "digest" it. But this is difficult. Days of learning.
Photo: I want to eat pumpkin cake, so I skipped the staple food. Gyoza, Satsuma fried and cut salad. Rich chocolate flavor protein.