[#Hello WOVN Nayuta] I joined WOVN to learn more about the world
Nice to meet you. My name is Nayuta and I’m on the Customer Success team.
As I write this post, I’m helping with WOVN.io and WOVN.app integrations, handling inquiries from customers, and holding online and WOVN basics seminars for new members.
When I applied to work at Wovn Technologies, I read WOVN MAGAZINE to learn about the corporate culture and atmosphere, so perhaps whoever is reading this post is wanting to learn more about Wovn Technologies too. I’d like to share with such people a bit about the company and the Customer Success team.
▼ From being a systems integrator, to the online industry, to Customer Success at a startup
I’ve always loved video games and we had a computer at my house before it become the norm, plus I was always copying the gaming codes from Mycom Basic Magazine, so naturally I chose to work in the IT field.
When I was working as a systems integrator, my connections landed me on loan to the sales division at a major company, where I helped advance various services, since I was between the sales team and the developers.
At my previous jobs, I’d never seen how users actually used what we developed, so through my work that connected sales and development, I got to see clients and users more and my view of the work expanded. I continued to turn the skills I’d learned as a systems integrator into a weapon and began to enjoy working closer to the users.
When the loan period came to an end, I changed jobs to work at a user-focused web service company, gained skills as a systems consultant, and then ended up joining the Customer Success team.
▼ I joined WOVN to experience more diversity
One thing in life that I enjoy is having my sense of curiosity stimulated. As I get older, my curiosity is stimulated less and less, but hearing tales of living abroad and connecting with diverse worldviews often leads to new discoveries and a desire to learn more, which is very stimulating. The fact that WOVN was full of international members and members who’ve lived abroad, and that the company was growing in the midst of these diverse worldviews was very alluring and made me decide to join.
After actually joining the company, I couldn’t speak English, but a lot of Japanese members can, and a lot of international members speak Japanese, so I’m having fun working while being influenced by a lot of different worldviews and ways of thinking.
* My first solo trip abroad. To stay safe, I signed up for a local tour of the ruins.
▼ Members at WOVN are really friendly
The first thing that surprised me at WOVN after joining was how friendly everyone was. There was an internal event on my first day, so I got to meet and chat with a lot of people from both inside and outside my division all at once. Since joining, I’ve participated in interdivisional projects, and if someone’s having trouble, another person will always follow up with them immediately. I think it’s great how we help each other to succeed.
▼ At WOVN, I want to grow along with the company
My main focus right now is on what I can do to help the company grow. This is the closest I’ve ever felt to the board members of a company, and I have a feeling that my work and experience could have an impact on other divisions’ work, and that that could in turn help the company to grow. I’d love to keep working while growing together with other WOVN members.
I’m sure I’ll be asking for everyone’s help at some point, so a big thank you in advance. (I’ll do my best to get up to speed so I can help everyone as well!)
And to turn the stimulation I’m getting into a strength, I’d first like to focus on learning English.
For anyone who wants to help solve issues faced by clients and users, or anyone who wants to make the world a better place through their knowledge of IT, I think that by joining WOVN you’d be able work behind the scenes on internet content to improve the world a bit, so please feel free to reach out to us any time.