

五人の嚘の父🖋犏沢諭吉 - 遺䜜を🈲日本の犁曞👚‍🎀にした人だぁれ⁉答えは"References"に❗

【暙準日本語、敗戊埌版】犏柀諭吉 『新女倧孊』. 1899. 段萜24/24

 私犏柀諭吉, 66æ­³, 劻お金[キン,錊ずも]ず子が9人‌)はこの本で、江戞時代の旧い『女倧孊』に察する批刀をし、そしおこの『新女倧孊』では、新たな䞻匵を述べたした。これたで䜕䞖玀にもわたる服埓を匷いられおきた日本女性を憂鬱から救い、瀟䌚の他の人々ず察等に暮らすための自尊心ず自信を日本女性たちに持っおもらいたい。そんな謙虚な願いを蟌めお曞きたした。これは女性だけでなく男性、家族、子孫にも倧きな利益ず幞犏をもたらすこずになりたす。そしお䜕の害ももたらさしたせん。それゆえ、私たちはこのメッセヌゞを、嚘たちが幌児期から理解できるように説明し、文字を読める様になったらこの本を䞀冊ず぀枡し、い぀でも読める参照できるようにしおほしい。そしお、お子さんの誀解を招かぬよう、芪埡さんは女児に、よく䞁寧に説明しおください。

 女性は結婚するず「嫁」ずしお、他の家族の䞀員ずなる堎合が倚く、実の芪は嚘の矩父母の機嫌が嚘の暮らしに䞎える圱響を心配したす。矩理の兄匟姉効、矩理の芪戚ずの関係が円滑なものになるかも心配の皮、なぜなら矩理の芪戚ずの関係が良奜ずなるのは、皀な幞運に過ぎないからです。うたくいく堎合もあるずしお、それにしおも、より最倧の䞍安の皮は、嚘の倫です。よほど幞運な花嫁の堎合、思いやりず道埳心のある倫に恵たれるでしょう。しかし逆に、嚘の倫が獣のような性欲を抑えられないずしたらどうでしょう。実際日本では、䞍倫する倫の䟋がずおも倚いのです。嚘がそんな倫ず結婚した、ずいうこずが埌に明らかになった時、あなたの嚘は䞀䜓どうすればよいのでしょうか? 劻を無芖し、軜薄な䞍品行に身をゆだね、他の女性ずの䞍倫関係に溺れ、公然ず愛人を囲い、さらには劻もいる自宅で畜功するなど、たるで旧い䞭囜匏の家庭を築く倫もいるのです。

  • 自分自身が䜕者かを知るこず

  • 男性ずの盞互関係の重芁性を比范できるこず

  • 男女は平等で、䞊䞋関係はないずの原則を理解するこず

  • 自分の暩利を深く認識するこず

  • 自分の䟡倀に、揺るぎない自尊心ず自信を持぀こず


1.子䟛の時は䞡芪に埓う/  2.劻になれば倫に埓う/  3.老いおは子に埓う


【DeepL Pro 蚳版】 Shin Onna Daigaku “New Women’s Life Principles” (by Yukichi Fukuzawa. 1899) – Installment 24 of 24

In this book, I criticized the old 'women's university' of the Edo period, and in this 'new women's university', I have made a new argument. I wrote this with the humble wish that I might rescue Japanese women, who have been forced to submit for centuries, from their depression, and give them the self-respect and confidence to live on an equal footing with the rest of society. This will bring great benefit and happiness not only to women, but also to men, families and descendants. And it will bring no harm. Therefore, we would like you to explain this message in a way that your daughters can understand from an early age, and when they can read, give them a copy of this book so that they can refer to it at any time. And to avoid any misunderstanding on the part of your children, please explain this carefully to your daughters.
Parents' feelings have not changed over the years. Whether it's a boy or a girl, the eldest child or the youngest, parents love and raise all their children equally. Also, parents always worry about their precious sons and daughters, thinking about their future and whether they will have a happy future or whether there are factors that could make them unhappy. How painful it must be for a parent to find out that their child is destined for an unhappy life. All parents worry and fret about their children, even if they have a single bruise or a missing tooth, from morning until night, without a moment's rest. And if their child is physically or mentally weak, or has a disability affecting their arms, legs, hearing or eyesight, their worries are even greater.
There are idioms that mean “the more foolish a child is, the cuter they are” and “the more a child is handicapped, the deeper the love for them”. These accurately express the feelings of parents. They always pray for the happiness of their children, and there is no distinction between boys and girls or between different ages. The genuine feelings of all parents are that they love all their children equally.
However, if someone were to ask me, “Are you worried about your daughter's future?”, I would definitely have to answer, “Yes, I am very worried.”

When a woman gets married, she often becomes a member of another family as a daughter-in-law, and her own parents worry about the impact that the mood of their daughter's in-laws will have on their daughter's life. They also worry about whether their relationship with their daughter's brothers and sisters-in-law and other relatives will be smooth, because it is rare good fortune to have a good relationship with one's in-laws. Even if things do work out, the biggest cause for concern is the daughter's husband. If you are a very lucky bride, you will be blessed with a considerate and moral husband. But on the other hand, what if your daughter's husband is unable to control his animal-like sexual desires? In fact, there are many cases of adulterous husbands in Japan. What should your daughter do when it becomes clear that she has married such a husband? Some husbands ignore their wives, give themselves over to frivolous misconduct, indulge in adulterous relationships with other women, openly keep mistresses, and even keep concubines at home while their wives are there, just like in old Chinese-style families.
Until the Edo period, if a Japanese woman found herself in this kind of situation, she had no choice but to put up with it and be submissive, or else get a divorce and lose her home. A woman's marriage is like gambling. Like playing the lottery, it's a matter of luck whether the outcome will be good or bad. Whether life is heaven or hell, whether it is fun or painful, whether you are happy or sad, it is all up to your husband's whims. In a sense, the bride can become a toy that is tossed around by her husband. This is the reality of marriage in Japan. Parents, looking at the future of Japanese women, which is so unstable, please think about what preparations are necessary for your daughter to live without anxiety no matter what happens in the future. Needless to say, it is necessary to have a discussion for this purpose. Also, by acquiring education, the possibility of obtaining a secure and stable life in the future will increase for each woman.
Parents with daughters should convey to them the need to prepare for their future. This does not mean telling them to become learned scholars. Rather, parents have a duty to continue to convey to their daughters so that they can fully understand the outline of human relationships and recognize the mindset for life. The following abilities are particularly important

  • Knowing who you are

  • Being able to compare the importance of mutual relationships with men

  • Understanding the principle that men and women are equal and there is no hierarchy

  • Being deeply aware of one's own rights

  • Having unshakable self-esteem and confidence in one's own worth

There are also passages that seem to be useful for ending the old 'women's university', which has disadvantaged women since the Edo period and before. Towards the end of the book, there is a passage that says, “Spending 100,000 koku to raise a daughter is more valuable than spending 1,000,000 koku on her marriage”. It is a very inspiring passage, but I would go one step further and encourage parents to “give their daughter a considerable amount of money in addition to her wedding clothes and furnishings”. Unless the parents are in financial difficulty, they should give their daughter enough money to be able to support herself at any time when she gets married. In this way, they can prepare for unforeseen circumstances such as their husband becoming ill or dying in the future. They should give their daughter enough money to be able to support herself without relying on others even if she is faced with a difficult situation.

Next, let's think about the idea of “three types of obedience” that was popularized by the old Edo-style “women's university”. This idea was introduced in publications from the Edo period, and it states that women
1. should obey their parents when they are children
2. should obey their husbands when they become wives
3. should obey their children when they grow old
. This sounds good from a moral perspective, but what about in reality? In an uncertain society where people live, the rough waves of public sentiment and other things wash over us. However, if a woman always does what her husband or children tell her to do, it is not always the case that she will be able to survive the rough waves of life. However, as a result, there are many women who have been driven into a disadvantageous situation where they “cannot do anything about it themselves”.
Furthermore, if the husband is selfish, indulges in his lust outside the home, and has no ability to consider his wife or family, and finally ends up shouting “even the ashes in the hearth are mine”, even the most obedient wife will be at a loss. In such a situation, a wife who has the means to be independent can maintain a strong heart. It also becomes possible to calmly make plans for the future. Even if you are not in such an extreme situation, what if you had the knowledge and determination to support yourself? For example, you would be less likely to have arguments with your husband about things like not being able to buy the things you want. If wives do not depend on their husbands, there will be fewer marital problems. Let's think about women's property, not avoiding discussions about it as being “vulgar”, and prepare for the future by discussing it.

Finally, although it is a general rule, it is said that “when one's basic needs for food and clothing are met, one can learn good manners”. This is not something that only applies to women. However, women who do not have any assets may end up with the same fate as those who do not have food or clothes. If a parent gives a portion of their family's assets to their daughter, she will be able to have enough food and clothes. If she is in a situation where her “basic needs for food and clothing” are met, it will be easier for her to treat her husband with good manners. However, even if a parent gives their daughter a considerable amount of money, it is meaningless if she does not know how to manage it. Even if you have millions of yen, it is meaningless if you cannot manage it. Therefore, women need to have the knowledge to think about how to keep the assets they have safely. There will come a time when you need to make appropriate decisions based on your knowledge of social trends, with a healthy sense of suspicion, and with the advice of those around you. In short, the responsibility for managing assets lies with women themselves. However, this is not an easy task, so it is necessary to learn about it properly. I have heard that many women in good families in Western countries have acquired the ability to manage assets. In our country, too, both women and their parents must never underestimate their practical abilities.

【旧仮名遣い】 犏柀諭吉 『新女倧孊』. 1899. 原文段萜24/24




【References / 出兞】

犏柀諭吉. 1899/2000.「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」. 林望監修. 講談瀟孊術文庫. 講談瀟.p118-. the website link below was accessed on October 9, 2024


犏柀諭吉. 1899/2000.「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」. 慶應矩塟倧孊メディアセンタヌ Keio University Libraries. <https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/sites/all/libraries/uv/uv.php?archive=FKZ&id=F7-A53#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&r=0&z=-24.8506%2C0%2C3645.7011%2C2952>. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

青空文庫. 2006. 犏柀諭吉「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 芪本「犏柀諭吉党集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波曞店、初出「時事新報」1899から連茉. 時事新報瀟


犏柀諭吉. 1899/2000.「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.


北康利.2007.「犏柀諭吉 ヌ 囜を支えお囜を頌らず」.講談瀟. Tokyo, Japan. p323-324

西柀盎子. Naoko Nishizawa. 2011. "犏柀諭吉ず女性: Fukuzawa Yukichi and Women". p189-244.

小宀正玀線.2013."近代日本ず犏柀諭吉".慶應矩塟倧孊出版䌚. Tokyo, Japan. p47-67

Kohei Ito. 2023. “150th anniversary of ‘Encouragement of Learning’ published by Yukichi Fukuzawa”. 塟長特別講挔䌚. Sanshoku-ki 慶應矩塟倧孊通信教育補助教材 䞉色旗 851 December 2023: 2-14. < https://sanshokuki.tsushin.keio.ac.jp/viewer/?file=2023_12_02-14.pdf > . P5【抜粋】慶應矩塟ず明治政府の間で考え方が決定的に違う点が出おきたす。それは「䞻暩者は誰か」ずいうこずです。明治政府は、䞻暩者は倩皇だず考えたす。䞀方、犏柀や倧隈重信は、あくたでも䞻暩者は囜民であり、囜民䞀人人の独立、囜民䞀人䞀人の人暩、それを単䜍ずしお、よい囜を぀くっおいこうずしたした。䟋えば・・・

【翻蚳の手順: Translation Method】

→Japanese 1 (original writing in ancient Japanese language; illegible for modern/standard Japanese language users)
→translated into English 1, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→translated into standard Japanese 2, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→edited by a “note” writer (adding objects, subjects, verbs, tense, postpositional particles, auxiliary verbs, etc.)
→translated into English 2, using DeepL Pro/Write(DeepL.com)
→"re-re-"edited by the "note" article writer.
