
今日の英語ニュースから [2022.12.28]

PBS NewsHour Dec. 27, 2022
([*… ]の部分は私が書き加えた説明です)

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[0:05] 猛烈な寒波に苦しむアメリカ

[2:59] 交通への影響をリポート

[5:11] 空の便の乱れ、特にサウスウエスト航空の問題についてブティジェッジ運輸長官に聞く

[12:53] 今日のその他のニュース

[16:58] コロナ制限緩和で感染爆発が広がる中国

[19:24]★今日のおすすめ★ 中国の感染爆発、医療と政治の専門家に聞く

[27:31] 経歴詐称 次々発覚、それでもやめない次期下院議員 George Santos

[28:00] That's here he won this seat. It was an open and competitive seat. [*open seat =現職が引退などのために立候補しない議席]

[28:59] There's a bit of gymnastic logic here. [* gymnastic logic < mental gymnastics = Inventive, complex arguments used to justify what is otherwise unjustifiable. (Wiktionary)]

[29:51] He had claimed that his grandparents, through his mother [* 母方の祖父母], were Jewish and who fled to Brazil,

[33:40] 議会を去る共和党下院議員へのインタビュー

[40:46]★今日のおすすめ★ Megan Thee Stallion銃撃事件と黒人女性蔑視

[42:05] I don't think our judicial system is really set up to deal with the kinds of transformative justice [* =A series of practices and philosophies aimed at rehabilitating perpetrators of crime, especially of interpersonal violence.]

[44:29] And, as you noted, you coined [* to coin= 新しい言葉を作る] the term misogynoir [* < misogyny+noir (=black)], which is talking about misogyny aimed specifically at Black women

[47:24] エリザベス・テイラーの死から12年、新事実の本の著者に聞く

[50:21] She had a difficult childhood, to put it mildly, a mother who very much was on her case [* on someone's case = …のことにうるさく干渉する] all the time, difficulty with her father.


