今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.13]
PBS NewsHour Jan. 12, 2023
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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース
[02:11] 上昇率鈍化も続くインフレ クレジットカード借金を減らすには
[06:59]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領デラウェア自宅からまた機密文書 特別検察官任命とトランプとの違い
[11:54] 今日のその他のニュース
[15:23] 経歴詐称・選挙資金疑惑議員の地元の郡行政責任者に聞く
[21:49]★今日のおすすめ★ 抗議運動が続くイラン 強まる弾圧
[29:33] 突然死したサッカージャーナリストの妻(感染症専門医)がコロナワクチンとの関係を否定
[37:51] 後を絶たない警察による殺人 進まない改革
[39:32] On the morning of February 2, Minneapolis police executed a no-knock search warrant [* no-knock = (US) Of a warrant, raid, etc.: allowing police to enter a property without immediate prior notification of the residents, as by knocking or ringing a doorbell. (Wiktionary)] on an apartment in connection with a homicide investigation.
[41:34] Andrew Ba Tran is a data reporter for The Post's investigative team. [*data reporter < data journalism or data-driven journalism = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_journalism#Definitions]
[42:13] 警察の改革と説明責任 刑事学者に聞く
[46:28] And one reason that you see officers tend to be overly assertive when it comes to these aspects is the emphasis of arrest, traffic stops, and custodial stops in the evaluation process. [*custodial stop の説明: a police officer is permitted to detain an individual for investigative purposes if the officer believes, based on a reasonable and articulable suspicion, that the individual is engaged in criminal activity, even if there is no probable cause to make an arrest. The ability to detain an individual under these circumstances is typically referred to as an investigative detention. Courts sometimes use the term “custodial stop” to refer to this type of detention as well.]
[47:40] 先住アメリカ人作曲家
[50:08] and another titled "Report" [* report = 銃声。砲声。爆発音。] written for different kinds of firearms.