
今日の英語ニュースから [2022.12.31]

PBS NewsHour Dec. 30, 2022
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[0:05] 今日のニュースまとめ

[9:02] トランプ前大統領の6年分の納税申告書公表

[12:06] And so when you have someone who's the president of the United States with holdings in all those countries, that's something that is maybe concerning from a national security issue [* 国家安全保障上の問題になり得る理由は、例えば、米大統領が海外で事業を行っていれば、その事業に不利にならないような政策を、たとえそれが国益に反することでも、実施するかもしれない。あるいは、海外で経営するホテルなどの施設を外国政府関係者が利用することで、「宿泊費」や「利用料」の名目で大統領に賄賂を渡すことができる。] .

[12:26] wealthy people will have a number of pass-through entities [* A pass-through entity, also called a flow-through entity, is a type of business structure used to avoid double taxation. Typically, businesses are subject to corporate tax while business owners also have to pay a personal income tax. To avoid this, a company may be registered as a pass-through entity so that the revenue earned is taxed as personal income and no separate business tax has to be paid. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/ ] associated with them.

[13:05] The Trump hotel had a rehabilitation credit [* 次のリンクに書かれている税額控除のことだと思われる。 https://www.washingtonian.com ] that was carried back a year and can go forward for 20.

[13:25] the former president was hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax, because it means, if you use all these tracks preferences [*tax preferencesの言い間違いか], you may be able to eliminate your taxes. And so they make you add things back in,

[16:14]★今日のおすすめ★ アルツハイマー薬承認、FDAと製薬会社に不適切な関係か

[19:23] Anything over $40,000 a year was definitely going to run into pushback and backlash from physicians and payers [* payer = 保険者。(民間あるは公的な)医療保険機関。].

[22:10] ALS(筋萎縮側索硬化症)への理解と治療法を求める夫妻

[27:46] 視聴者の今年の出来事・来年の抱負

[28:38] The best thing that happened to me was my mother's depression lifted [* to lift (憂鬱な気分が)晴れる].

[32:49] 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと語る 今年の出来事・来年の抱負、降板するジュディ・ウッドラフについて

[45:28] 番組関係者語るジュディ・ウッドラフ

[49:05] I remember probably the most difficult night of television that I ever had to make, and hopefully ever will, was the night that our friend Gwen passed away. ... And we had just finished the whole program, listening to all of these dear friends of Gwen and what she meant to them, and it was difficult, it was -- to keep it together [* 平静を保つ。冷静沈着でいる。].

[50:39]★今日のおすすめ★ ジュディ・ウッドラフからのメッセージ

[50:39] Well, I can barely hold it together [* 冷静でいる。平静を保つ].


