
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.14]

PBS NewsHour Jan. 13, 2023
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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース

[00:25] [* 岸田首相の訪米を取り上げた部分] And President Biden and Japan's prime minister agree to boost military spending in Asia to counteract China's aggression.

[02:45] 各地で大荒れの天気

[05:16] カリフォルニア州の大雨 干ばつへの影響を専門家に聞く

[09:56] 今日のその他のニュース

[10:17] There's been a bipartisan cooperation when it comes to lifting the debt ceiling. And that's how it should be. That's how we should continue. It's not -- it's not and should not be a political football. [* political football= (uncountable, idiomatic) Ongoing unproductive wrangling or posturing between political factions, resulting in failure to deal with an issue or problem in a decisive or appropriate way. (Wiktionary)]

[11:58] [*安倍元首相銃撃の山上容疑者について取り上げた部分] The man accused of assassinating former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been formally charged with murder. ...

[14:07] がん死者1991年から33%減 前立腺進行がんは増加

[18:00] So much to unpack there. [* to unpack = to analyze; to explain]

[20:26] 移民、犯罪、ホームレス問題 ニューヨーク市長に聞く

[22:12] New York City, as you well know, has always been a city of immigrants. You have said that you want New York to remain a sanctuary city. [* sanctuary city = In the United States and Canada, a city that allows undocumented immigrants to live and work without being arrested and deported by local authorities.]

[24:30] We went after ghost guns, a substantial increase. [* ghost gun = A gun without serial numbers that cannot be easily tracked, especially a home-made gun built with non-registered, partially finished or 3D printed components.]

[27:10] That's why the governor announced during the state of the state [* state of the state = State of the State Address 州知事の施政方針演説 cf. State of the Union Address 米大統領の一般教書演説] of her allocation of looking to open 1,000 more beds.

[28:33] 岸田首相訪米とその背景

[30:32] The behavior of China has really made many Japanese feel that they are behind the eight ball [* = (idiomatic) In a difficult situation or tight spot; at a disadvantage.], so to speak, and they really need to be part of a coalition response to that more assertive China.

[31:35] And the Marines will repurpose their presence in Japan into what they call a littoral regiment. [* Marine Littoral Regiment https://www.marines.mil/News/News-Display/Article/2708146/marine-littoral-regiment-mlr/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_Marine_Littoral_Regiment]

[32:28]  The Marines' goal, operate within what's known as the First Island Chain [* 第一列島線 = 第一列島線(だいいちれっとうせん)および第二列島線(だいにれっとうせん)は、中華人民共和国の軍事戦略上の概念のことであり、戦力展開の目標ラインであり、対米防衛線でもある。 本来はアメリカ合衆国の中国封じ込め政策において設定された戦略ラインのことであった。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/第一列島線] inside the area vulnerable to Chinese missiles, as some other U.S. military weapons, such as ships and aircraft, stay at a distance.

[33:09] 対中国で変化する米海兵隊 反対派に聞く

[35:54] Marine leaders say they do acknowledge some of the concerns that you're raising, but that, if the Marines are going to play a major part in what the Defense Department calls the pacing challenge, China, they will have to make bold changes, and that they're working to solve some of the vulnerabilities. [* pacing challenge = pacing threat =「pacing threat」は米国の国防計画に関する議論でしばしば使われる言葉であるが、適切な訳語が与えられた例は見受けられない。そもそも、動詞としての「pace」には「ゆっくりと、あるいは一定の歩調で歩く」などの意味のほかに、「[他者の]歩調を設定、あるいは制御する」の意味があるが、「pacing threat」の「pacing」は後者の意味で使用されていると考えられる。すなわち、「pacing threat」は、米軍が紛争時において戦う相手を想定することで、米軍が目指すべき能力や戦力組成・態勢を規定する。すなわち、米国防計画の「歩調を設定(pace)」する「脅威」であることから「pacing threat」なのだといえよう。それが与えるイメージはともかく、純粋に概念として捉えた場合、「仮想敵国」や「対象国」といった言葉が近い。 http://www.nids.mod.go.jp/publication/commentary/pdf/commentary191.pdf]

[38:34] 金曜恒例:今週のニュースを2人の政治アナリストと振り返る

[40:46] They have been transparent, whereas, when we talk about the former president, the reason why we even know that there were all those documents there was because he kept defying the National Archives' requests to return the documents, and the DOJ, because Archives has been -- had been in touch with the Archives [* 最後のArchivesはDOJの言い間違いと思われる。DOJ=Deprtment of Justice], conducted a search.

[41:39] Because this is a huge opening [* opening = An opportunity。好機] for House Republicans, who are feverishly focused on investigations right now.

[42:02] People who have had clearances [* =A permission to have access to sensitive or secret documents or other information. ] say that it's very clear.

[45:13] It's -- to me, as presidential scandals go, it's pretty small beer. [* small beer =Something that is of relatively little importance]

[50:15] ホームセンター店員として生きるとは


