
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.08]

PBS News Weekend Jan. 7, 2023

■ 英語字幕のダウンロード 

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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース

[02:04] 15回目の投票で下院議長選出

[02:56] We will hold the swamp accoutable.
[*swamp 沼。腐敗したワシントンを沼にたとえることがある。 < to drain the swamp 沼さらいをする。沼を干す。ワシントンの腐敗を一掃する。 < The phrase drain the swamp was originally popularized to reference the literal removal of water from marshy areas. Removing the water would also remove mosquitos, alligators, and other creatures that depended on the water.
Drain the swamp has since been adopted by politicians who use the phrase as a metaphor that means to “root out corruption.” You may have heard that drain the swamp is a reference to the United States’ capital, Washington, D.C., being built on swampland; however, that myth has been debunked.
https://www.dictionary.com/e/politics/drain-the-swamp/ ]

[03:05] the weaponization of the FBI
[* FBIによる捜査は本来、党派色に無関係であるべきだが、FBIに政敵を調べさせることにより、政敵を攻撃する武器のように使うこと。最近は、共和党のトランプ支持派が、民主党がFBIをそのように利用していると言っている。]

[03:55] 超保守派へ大幅妥協、その影響を専門家に聞く

[07:05] others will point to the motion to vacate the speakership,
[* 2022年12月14日放送分[20:10]で説明しました]

[08:27] 今日のその他のニュース

[10:51] 進まないパキスタン洪水復興 現地からリポート

[14:04] 駐米パキスタン大使へのインタビュー

[17:56] Second is their convening power, convening power with other governments and with the international financial institutions, because the United States has influence all over the world.
[* convening power = 国際会議やイベントを開催して、さまざまな政府、団体、企業、個人を集め、問題解決のために話し合い、調整し、行動に結びつけていく場を設ける能力。開催力。主催力。]

[18:16] Pakistan was one of the leaders in pushing at the recent climate conference for the establishment of the loss and damage fund to help metigate the damages that smaller nations are suffering from the greenhouse gas outputs of richer, more industrialized nations.
[*loss and damage fund < loss and damageへの対策のための基金。地球温暖化による損失・損害対策基金 < loss and damage = Loss and damage refers to the negative consequences that arise from the unavoidable risks of climate change, like rising sea levels, prolonged heatwaves, desertification, the acidification of the sea and extreme events, such as bushfires, species extinction and crop failures. As the climate crisis unfolds, these events will happen more and more frequently, and the consequences will become more severe. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/what-you-need-know-about-cop27-loss-and-damage-fund]

[19:57] 「Dry January」 禁酒の1月運動


