
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.15]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 14, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:39]★今日のおすすめ★ ミシガン州立大学で乱射事件 

[03:56] a neighbor reportedly describing the shooter as a real hell-raiser.[* hell-raiser 厄介者。いつも騒ぎを起こす人。= one given to wild, boisterous, or intemperate behavior]

[04:02] The gunman opened fire last night shortly before 8:30 inside an academic building and then later at a student union.[* student union = 学生会館]

[04:58] DR. DENNY MARTIN, Interim President, E.W. Sparrow Hospital: We had general surgeons, cardiothoracic surgeons [* = 胸部心臓外科医], neurosurgeons.

[05:57] We're joined now by a student at Michigan State University, Eleanor Hoss, who had to shelter in place [* to shelter in place = (他の場所に避難しないで、その時いる場所で)屋内避難する・屋内退避する] for hours when the gunman opened fire on campus

[06:53] And then we saw cop cars coming from the other direction. So they were coming from the east side and from the west side. And then we just saw EMS [* =emergency medical service] showing up, fire trucks, everyone getting out of the vehicles and running towards the MSU union.

[07:52] So I'm in a bunch of group chats because I'm an R.A. [* = resident assistant = a trained peer leader who coordinates activities in residence halls in colleges and universities], and everyone was sharing that they saw multiple gunmen.

[08:19] GEOFF BENNETT: How are you and your friends holding up? [* to hold up = 耐える。持ちこたえる。(この文脈では、大変なことがありましたが、友人の皆さんは)大丈夫ですか。] How are you processing all of this?

[09:57] トルコ・シリア地震

[12:45] 今日のその他のニュース

[14:34] Former Vice President Mike Pence has reportedly decided to fight a special counsel's subpoena in the January 6 investigation. Politico, the Associated Press, and others say Mr. Pence argues he was serving as president of the Senate [* = 上院議長] on January 6, 2021, to certify the election results. The reports say he will contend that, in that role, he is shielded from the subpoena.

[17:39]★今日のおすすめ★ Nikki Haley元国連大使(共和党) 大統領選出馬表明

[18:22] LISA DESJARDINS: The daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley made history in 2010 as the first woman and first person of color elected governor in the Palmetto State [* サウスカロライナ州のニックネーム。Palmetto= パルメットヤシ(植物)].

[19:17] NIKKI HALEY: It can be tempting to follow the siren call [* siren call 誘惑の声。少し意訳すれば「悪魔のささやき」An enticing but dangerous appeal, especially a misleading one. ( = siren song) ] of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation.

[19:40] NIKKI HALEY: There is a new USUN. [* = U.S. Mission to the United Nations see: https://www.newsday.com/news/world/ambassador-nikki-haley-taking-names-at-united-nations-a27026]

[19:41] LISA DESJARDINS: And unlike others in his orbit,[* orbit =影響力の及ぶ範囲。この部分の意味は「トランプの影響下にあった他の人達と違って」「トランプと関わった他の人達と違って」くらいの意味 A sphere of influence; an area or extent of activity, interest, or control. ] she left the White House on her own terms and in good standing.

[21:30] She's got a lot to sell. She's a very popular former governor of one of the very earliest GOP primary states. She showed some real leadership chops [* chops = one's skill at any endeavor; ability, talent; competency]  with the Dylann Roof [* 番組内で前出のAfrican American Mother Emanuel Churchでの乱射事件の犯人でネオナチ、白人至上主義者。] massacre and the taking down of the Confederate Flag that you showed in the intro.

[23:41] GEOFF BENNETT: Tell me more about that, because you did some polling recently for The Bulwark.[* ネオコン系ニュースサイト] And what you found was that there were Republican voters who don't necessarily dislike Donald Trump, but they think that other people dislike Donald Trump and think he's not electable, and that's why they're looking for somebody else.

[24:28] GEOFF BENNETT: What about Ron DeSantis? Can he own the mantle [* mantle = a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority ] of Trumpism for the Republicans who want the Trump policy without the Trump personality? Is he their guy?

[25:08] ウクライナへの武器支援 西側諸国が会合 

[30:12] 反撃に必要なものは ウクライナで戦ったアメリカ人義勇兵に聞く

[30:22] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: After doing several tours [* tour = tour of duty 任務(期間) A period of time spent on a specific assignment, especially on an overseas mission.(wiktionary) ] as an Army Ranger in Iraq and Afghanistan and then several years in Eastern Europe as a Green Beret, my next guest thought his military days were over, and he decided to go to graduate school.

[32:51] And, unfortunately, I think a lot of people, a lot of academics, a lot of people in government place too much emphasis on quantitative analysis, number of tubes [* = tube artillery (写真検索) ], number of tanks, et cetera, number of soldiers, and don't place enough emphasis on qualitative factors of willpower.

[33:29] So, I may be a little contrarian on this. I think, instead of focusing on combined arms [* combined arms = infantry, artillery and tanks] maneuvers and big battle tanks and artilleries and getting them to work together, I think we need to focus on weapons systems that are going to have immediate effects on the battlefield, like ATACMS.

[35:00] the Russians decide to try and make a play [* to make a play …を得ようと試みる To attempt to get or achieve.] for air superiority, which, in my opinion, would be probably the worst-case scenario for Ukraine -- for Ukraine at this point.

[36:48] SNSの10代への悪影響 訴訟の動きも

[39:07] NUALA MULLEN: Well, I would go to field hockey practice, come home. I would run for an hour. I would do weight training. I would do ab routines. I would do HIIT [* = high-intensity interval training] workout videos, basically until I was too weak to do anything else.

[40:24] CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: By the fall of 2021, Nuala's life began to spiral [* (らせん降下のように)急激に悪化する]. Diagnosed with anorexia [* 拒食症 = anorexia nervosa = An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation due to an irrational fear of gaining weight. ], she began having chest pains and was hospitalized after her heart rate became dangerously low.

[46:58]★今日のおすすめ★ 共和党の政治課題 Nancy Mace下院議員(共和党)に聞く

[49:31] Nikki was one of the only few elected officials that would return my phone call when I was primaried [* (現職が)予備選挙で挑戦を受ける ] by the former president two years ago. It was a very lonely experience. We won resoundingly.

[50:23] We need to look forward. And I represent a swing district [* 一方の政党が常に圧倒的に強いのではなく、どちらが勝つこともあり得る選挙区。勝利政党が変わることがある選挙区]. I have a very purple seat. [* 青(民主党を表す色)と赤(共和党を表す色)がまじりあう選挙区の議席(青と赤が混ざると紫になることから)。直前のswing districtと同じような意味。] Even though I'm in South Carolina, my district is very much a swing district.

[50:45] after Roe v. Wade, Republicans didn't do a very good job of being and showing compassion towards women, even if we disagree on a very hot-button kind of issue. [* hot-button issue = 大きな反応や激しい論争を巻き起こす政治争点]

[51:16] And I want to see a nice field [* 全候補者の集まり、顔ぶれ]. I want to see a vigorous primary. By the time these candidates get to South Carolina, I don't want to see too, too many. You don't want more than 10 or 12 in the race.

[53:18] I'm a fiscal conservative. I have made no bones about it [* to make no bones about = 隠さず、ためらわず、はっきり言う To say, do, or indicate something clearly and without hesitation, even if it may be unpleasant.(wiktionary)]. I have not ever voted to raise taxes on my constituents, for example. I feel that's really important.

[54:16] how St. Louis is exploring whether or not to provide reparations [* 奴隷制度の犠牲者やその子孫への賠償] to the city's Black residents.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)
