
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #10 strange neighbor

#10 strange neighbor

SOMA comes from Oomuta, Fukuoka,
which used to be famous for the coal mine,
but it was closed at the end of the twentieth century.
Recently, to pass its own mine history to future generations,
the movies and the news report have been produced. 
In Japan, the number of local towns
the main street of which has a lot of shuttered stores
and signboards of finance companies is increasing.
Oomuta and Ashikaga are not exceptions.

As a student, SOMA lived in Takaido, Suginami, easy go to university.
To be more precise, Yanagikubo apartment house ten minutes walk
north from Takaido Station, over the Inogashira Dori,
along the Itsukaichi Kaido.
He loved a simple life, so kept living there after graduate.
His good knowledge of the neighborhood made him
take the plunge and purchase a detached house near the apartment.
Since he moved to his new house,
he has had something interesting about his neighbor.
It is not only that she is very beautiful
but she is sitting at the computer monitor in the dark room,
with her back toward him, almost all day every day.

his next house

He can see almost everything in her living room from his house.
He cannot help looking at her unintentionally and repeatedly,
not so much out of curiosity as because of his profession.
While he goes to work, she seldom goes out.
She does not eat, sleep, wash her hands,
or make even the slightest movement.
ET radar has no response to her.

(What on Earth is she doing?)

SOMA invites the Youth members to his housewarming party.
Going late toward the new house,
MOROBOSHI feels something wrong a few meters before.

(ET radar, no response.  But invisible barrier is put up around the next door.)

Putting on red glasses, MOROBOSHI moves into the house in one second.

(Can neither see through nor move into this room.)

Opening the door, he goes into it,
when the door closes on itself, making a noise.
The moment, the rader responds.

【Just into trap, I'm waiting. 
You cannot back to original dimension any more.】

Although alien ICARUS and MOROBOSHI are at the same place,
he cannot see but hear her, because they are in the different dimension.

【We aliens ICARUS succeed in moving between dimensions. 
And if you are not in the real world,
it will be easy for us to invade the Earth.】

MOROBOSHI finds himself left alone in the world he knows well.

(What can I do?  I have no idea, but I'll be OK, probably.  But the Earth is OK?)

But he feels anxious inside,
because he knows better about another dimension
than anybody else on the Earth.

(Might not be able to return.)

Another world MOROBOSHI is now in
looks like the  unfinished sketch of the real world.
He can faintly feel the presence of moving things
such as nearby passers-by and running cars.
He goes to SOMA's house in that world
and seats himself on the sofa.
feels speaking faint voices, and listens so carefully.


【He…ust…ve ha…mthing…rgent…】

【Ev…so, he sh…d've…old us…】

(They are here at the same place in the real world!)

"YURI san!" DAN tried calling.

【SOM...un, d...cal…my na…?】

【No, …n't.】

【Any…dy ca…ame?】

"YURI san, MOROBOSHI speaking.  Can you hear me?"

【MO…BO…kun?  Whe…re yo…ow?】

He manages to tell them about his situation.
They go to the next house, but the door will not open.
Looking into the living room from the garden, surprisingly,
holography is projecting the neighbor sitting at the computer.

"Dammit!  I've been shown this hologram!" said SOMA.

"MOROBOSHI was transferred to another world from here," KIRIYA said.

"Professor, you have some idea how he can return, don't you?" asks FURUDA.

"No idea, I'm sorry," he answers.

"Unbelievable!  Poor MOROBOSHI kun," cries YURI.

【I find it difficult to return there. 
What happens happens. 
What comes around goes around.】

"I'm worrying, but why are you easygoing?"

Then, KIRIYA gets a message.

"What?  Alien attacking?  The sky above Shinjuku!  The Youth are go!"

"YURI, be here with MOROBOSHI.  OK?"

HAWKs 1 and 3 fly to Shinjuku and arrives soon,
and the alien ICARUS spaceship is attacking the area.
When the Youth launches a pursuit missile,
which is supposed to surely hit its target, seems to do so.
But it actually do not,
because it has moved to another world
at the very moment the missile is about to hit.
The ship appears and attacks and disappears over and over again.

【How's the situation, YURI san?】

【The alien seems to be appearing, attacking,
and disappearing repeatedly in the sky above Shinjuku.】

Immediately he hears it, a good idea strikes to him, teleporting to Shinjuku.

【MOROBOSHI kun, can you hear me? 
Where are you going?  Don't leave me alone!】

spaceship in Shinjuku

He looks up the sky over the town
to see the spaceship appear and disappear at a few seconds intervals.

(I'm correct!)

He concentrates on breathing, the next moment,
teleporting into the ship, which moves to the original world. 
A moment of the moments,
he gets out of the ship into the air, with his arms L-shaped.
His WIDE SHOT destroys the alien's ship.
Moreover, squeezing out a bit of his strength,
he makes himself move to SOMA's house.

When YURI is absentmindedly sitting on the sofa,
the sound of something having fallen in the next room
makes her come to herself.
There she finds the red jachet lying on the bed.
"MOROBOSHI kun!" he has exceeded his limit, but gets up.
"YURI san, I'm home."
Saying so, he falls asleep again on her shoulder.

"Welcome home, MOROBOSHI kun."
Saying so, YURI takes his red glasses off his eyes, 
and has decided to wait for the Youth to come home.

#10 the end

