
Calibrate your compass for 2025 and beyond

A new year, a new age

The transition from 2024 to 2025 not only marks a change of year, but also a change of era. While some feel that the world is becoming more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA), others believe that a rapidly changing world can bring us more flexibility, freedom and diversity.

Calibrate your compass

As we embark on a new year, a turning point into a new age, why not take time to calibrate your 'compass' by looking at the past few years and getting yourself aligned?

The purpose of 'calibrating your compass' is to find out:
➤ What makes you truly happy?
➤ To feel this, what do you really want and need?

We'll look into the followings:

  1. Look back at the period between 2020 and 2023.

  2. Look back at the last 12 months of 2024.

  3. Take a bird's eye view of 2020-2024.

  4. Affirm 'here and now' and alignment.

  5. Look ahead to 2025 and beyond (if you wish).

1. Look back on 2020-2023

Between 2020 and 2023, the world has been full of unexpected events, including the pandemic, wars, big natural disasters. Such unexpected events must have created various emotions and thoughts within you but, as the time passes, the memories fade. Before that happens...

  • Review your planners and notebooks from 2020-2023.

  • What did you feel, think and learn then? 

  • What tools have you collected in your toolbox?

  • What key words do you give to each year?

Tools: Your experiences, networks, knowledge, perspectives, skills, qualifications, etc. that you've acquired in your life so far.

2. Look back on 2024

  • Review the planners and calendars of 2024.

  • What happened in your personal and work life in 2024?

  • For example, what happened in the following areas of your life? □ Mental and physical health □ Hobbies, leisure □ Partner, spouse, romance □ Family and friends □ Career and work □ Living and work environment □ Self-development □ Money

  • What have you worked hard or focused on in 2024?

  • Who and what are you grateful for?

  • What new things have you tried?

  • How many new people have you met? Who are they?

  • What tools have you added to your toolbox?

  • Who and what have influenced you?

  • Who and what have you influenced?

  • Who and what have you forgiven?

  • Who and what have you let go of?

  • What have you been unable to do in 2024?

  • What are the three key words that represent 2024?

3. Take a bird's eye view of 2020-2024

If you were a god who had always watched your life, what would he/she say about you in the period 2020-2024?

  • What has changed during this period?

  • What has remained the same during this period?

  • If the period 2020 - 2024 had a name, what would you give it?

  • What words would you give to yourself as a survivor of this period?

4. Affirm to be 'here and now'

Before you step into 2025 and beyond, check where you are in the midst of rapidly changing world. Be 'here and now'. This is the most important awareness we need to carry into the future.

Alignment: Check how to be 'here and now'

  • Are you breathing deeply?

  • Do you have morning/evening routines? Journaling?

  • What are your three important values?

  • What are your 'sources of power' to rely on when you lack of power?

  • What can you control in this situation? What you cannot?

  • What tools do you have in your toolbox?

Tools: Your experiences, knowledge, perspectives, skills, qualifications, etc. that you've acquired in your life so far.

5. 2025 and beyond

Based on my values, tools and experiences in 2020-2024, where do I want to be in 2025 and beyond? How can I apply my values and tools in the new era?


  • What images do you have of 2025 right now?

  • What are the most important things to do in 2025?

  • What do you want to continue doing?

  • What do you want to develop?

  • What tools can you use?

  • What do you want to take care of?

  • What do you want to stop or get rid of?

  • In December 2025, how will you explain to others what has happened to you?


If you are excited about the future, please just follow your heart; if you are uncertain about the future, please refocus on 'here and now'.

  • What makes you happy 'here and now'?

  • What are you grateful for 'here and now'?

  • What are your beliefs and values 'here and now'?

  • When you think about 3 or 5 years from now, what kind of image comes to mind?

Different ways to think about 2025 and beyond

Image by Jamie Street, Unsplash
