Odd socks day
English follows
今日は学校がOdd socks dayというので、子供たちの、左右違う色のくつしたが賑やかだった。
今週はAnti-bullying week、イジメ撲滅週間で、先生も生徒も、カラフルな個性を象徴する靴下を履いてそれを意識しましょう、というのだ。
去年、前の学校の息子のクラス(Year 5)でいじめがあった。ちょっと勉強できるタイプの男の子が問題児たちから狙い撃ちにされて、転校してしまったのだ。
とにかく、いじめはだめ。心の柔らかい子供達にいじめの深刻さを戒めることは大切だけど、Odd Socks Dayのようなポジティブな形でみんなの意識を喚起するのはすごくいい取り組みだと思うよ。
Today is the "Odd Socks Day" at school, and I found the kids' colourful socks created a lively atmosphere at school.
It's one of the enlightenments on the "Anti-Bullying Week", and both teachers and students wear mismatched socks as the symbol of colourful individuality.
I remember a long ago, when I was ten years old or so, I was shocked by a scene in the movie "NeverEnding Story" where a bullied boy was stuffed into a trash can. I imagine such a problem start to emerge in secondary school.
Last year in the previous school, there was an incident in which one of my son's classmates was bullied and then changed schools. The kid's mum was my close friend, so I had an opportunity to hear the shocking story in detail.
If my son had been targeted, I also would have taken immediate action with zero tolerance. To tell you the truth, It was the trigger for me to start thinking about moving places.
In such a complicated world, we should teach children about the seriousness of bullying while they're still young and tender-hearted. However, I like "Odd Socks Day" as a positive initiative to raise awareness for everyone.