
Gillie and Marc

English follows


今月になって、ハイストリートの周辺にあたらしい路面展示が設置されているのを見つけた。リアルな動物と、擬人化したウサギとイヌの組み合わせは、一眼見てわかる、 Gillie & Marcジリー&マーク の作品。



ロンドンだけでなく世界中に展示があるらしい。例えばパディントン駅の「Wilde Table of Love」は、いつも一緒に記念写真をとる観光客でにぎわっている。街中のどこかで彼らの作品に出会ったら、ぜひ記念の一枚を狙ってみてね。

Kingston upon Thames is my go-to shopping spot. It's just a 20-minute bus ride from my place. It might not be the trendiest place around, but it has a good mix of department stores, local shops, and tasty eateries.

I found a new outdoor art project around the high street this week.

I instantly recognise them as the work of Gillie and Marc. They combine realistic wild animals with Anthros: Rabbitwoman and Dogman. These bronze sculptures are both cute and substantial, advocating for wildlife conservation. In addition, I think it's great that you can easily touch and interact with them.

Kingston might not be a must-visit city for tourists travelling all the way from Japan, and the installation is temporary until the year's end. However, you can find their artwork in many places around the world.

For example, at "Wilde Table of Love" near Paddington Station, tourists always take photos with the sculptures, so if you're in the area, why not try to get a great shot?
