Fun Run
<English Follows>
リージェント・パークのマラソン大会に参加しました。2.5km, 5km, 10km からコースを選んで登録するお楽しみ大会で、子供からお年寄りまで幅広いひとがエントリーします。私は5kmでコースを2周。普段は子供の学校の送迎の時に走るだけなんだけど、34分で完走しました。初めてのマラソン大会なので、くじけなかっただけで上々よ。
Joined a marathon in the Regents Park. It is a fun race where you can submit one from 2.5km, 5km, or 10km choices. I completed the 5 with two laps at 34 minutes. Considering this is my first marathon challenge, it is enough.
There were lovely encounters at the event. I was passed by a dad carrying a little girl on his back. I passed a senior couple running together and caught the elderly man encouraging his wife by saying, "I'm proud of you, honey. You're doing great." I got to touch a little boy's hand who was cheering me on from the sidelines.
Indeed, it was a perfect day for the run event. I bathed in the sunlight filtering through the trees, heard the sound of streams, felt the breeze, and saw small creatures. I'd love to participate again next year.
Well, I came to the Waterside Cafe to soak in the pleasant afterglow and encountered a furious swan chasing away other water birds that came into its territory.
I've never heard a swan swim while producing the sound "Jerk, jerk, jerk!" with the waves until today. "Flap, flap, flap!" The angry bird flies on the surface, tailgating a poor duck. When the target dives under the water in a panic, the swan dips its long neck to search for it persistently. Oh, it's really scary!
Well, I'm delighted. It's time to go home now. Have a lovely day, everyone.