Apusski Dusky
English follows
妙に気になるので調べたら、The Wiggles という、オーストラリアの子供番組の人気グループの歌だった。
行間にはいるApusski dusky, apusskiduは最初、どこかの言語によるイワシのことかとおもったけれど、語感をたのしむためのナンセンスな造語なのかもしれない。(知っている人いたら、教えてね!)
The Wiggles は日本の「おかあさんといっしょ」の「お歌のお兄さん・お姉さん」的な立ち位置で、メンバーの入れ替わりもありつつ、国民的に長く愛されているグループらしい。オーストラリアの子供たちは、彼らの歌を聴いて育つんだって。
当時のボーカルの Emma は、踊りもうまいし歌声もキレイ。なんか癖になるので、よかったら聴いてみて。
My daughter kept humming 'Apusski-Dusky', so I asked her what it was, and she said it's a fish song.
Then I looked it up and found out it's a song by The Wiggles, an Australian group. It's a song about sardines. I first guessed if "Apusski dusky" was a different way of saying "sardine" in some language, but it might just be funny nonsense words. (Does anyone know where this comes from?)
The Wiggles are like the hosts of a children's TV show in Japan, similar to the ones on 'Okasan to Issho.' They're a children's idol group, and while the members change from time to time, it seems like all Australian kids grow up listening to their songs.
Emma, the lead singer at the time, was a gifted dancer and had a melodious voice. You should definitely check them out!