Day 5_MBA Journey_Disagreement enhances Teamwork
Everyone has their own belief that has been built throughout their life and it sometimes prevent accepting other point of views which confront with the belief.
There will be a great benefit working as a team because it will bring many ideas and strength on the table to brush up our outcomes better than working as an individual. We need to appreciate how we express, process and behave in each of us. However, working as as team cannot generate outcomes if we are not follow below ideas.
1. Embrace difference. Be courageous to challenge disagreement.
2. Disagreement is useful, if and only if it will be demonstrated without emotion.
3. Set and follow initial Team Charter in order confront disagreement and avoid emotional argument.
4. Team Charter should not be vague, but be clear, specific and expressive.
I am getting to the point where I am not being able to reflect fully and cook by myself these days due to feeling fatigue after long day of class. However, I need to get my habit back to stay in shape, healthy and financially safe.