









* 原稿出力条件

  • Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

  • Prompting:

    • Prompt 1: Now you are to prepare an English speech manuscript on the following topic. The word count should be 750-800 words. 'Argument: a DBS system in education workers should be introduced in Japan to ensure that people with a history of sexual offending cannot be involved in education'

    • Prompt 2: Give this manuscript an appropriate and concise title:

"Safeguarding Education: The Case for a DBS System in Japan"

[¶1]   Today, I stand before you to discuss a pressing issue that demands our attention and consideration: the implementation of a Database System (DBS) in the education sector of Japan. Specifically, I argue that introducing a DBS system for education workers is essential to ensure that individuals with a history of sexual offending are not involved in the education of our children. This topic is of paramount importance as it concerns the safety and well-being of our future generations.

[¶2]   Japan, like many other countries, values the education and protection of its youth as a top priority. However, in recent years, there have been instances where individuals with a history of sexual offending have found their way into positions within the education system. This is not only a grave breach of trust but also poses significant risks to our children. Therefore, the implementation of a DBS system is a necessary step to safeguard our educational institutions.

[¶3]   First and foremost, a DBS system ensures thorough background checks on all individuals seeking employment in the education sector. This means that anyone with a history of sexual offending would be flagged during the hiring process. Such a system acts as a deterrent for potential offenders, making it less likely for them to apply for positions within the education system in the first place. This, in turn, reduces the chances of a sexual offender infiltrating our schools, colleges, and universities.

[¶4]   Moreover, a DBS system can provide ongoing monitoring of education workers, helping to identify any red flags that may arise during their tenure. This is crucial because, unfortunately, some individuals may develop predatory behavior after they are already employed in the education sector. By regularly updating the background checks, we can promptly identify and address any concerning behavior, thereby protecting our students from potential harm.

[¶5]   Critics may argue that implementing a DBS system could infringe upon the rights of individuals with a history of sexual offending who have served their sentences and undergone rehabilitation. While it is important to acknowledge the principles of rehabilitation and reintegration, we must prioritize the safety of our children. A DBS system does not permanently bar individuals from education roles but rather ensures that they are closely monitored, which strikes a balance between safeguarding children and offering a second chance to those who have genuinely reformed.

[¶6]   Furthermore, it is essential to consider the emotional and psychological well-being of our students. The knowledge that their educational environment is secure and free from potential threats allows students to focus on their studies and personal growth without unnecessary fear or anxiety. This sense of security is invaluable and contributes to a healthier learning environment.

[¶7]   In addition to protecting students, a DBS system benefits education workers themselves. Those who have dedicated their lives to the noble profession of teaching deserve to work in an environment free from the tarnish of scandal or mistrust. By implementing a DBS system, we protect the reputations of countless education workers who have committed themselves to the betterment of our youth.

[¶8]   To address concerns about the implementation process, we can learn from the experiences of other countries that have successfully introduced DBS systems in their education sectors. These systems have proven effective in enhancing safety without imposing undue burdens on educators or infringing upon their rights.

[¶9]   In conclusion, introducing a Database System (DBS) for education workers in Japan is not only a necessary step but also a responsible one. It is a measure that prioritizes the safety and well-being of our children, fosters a secure learning environment, and protects the reputations of dedicated educators. While we must remain mindful of the principles of rehabilitation and reintegration, we cannot compromise on the safety of our students. The implementation of a DBS system is a balanced approach that ensures accountability while allowing for second chances. Let us prioritize the future of our children and the integrity of our educational institutions by embracing this crucial initiative. Together, we can create a safer and more secure learning environment for all. Thank you.

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特徴⑴ IntroductionとConclusionや、Discourse markerにおける定型的表現の使用
特徴⑵ スピーカーの推測CEFR水準の高さとハイレベルな語彙使用率の高さ
特徴⑶ Supporting Materialの不足や具体性欠落



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