新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ 3 神は一つ?違う宇宙人が地球にはいる
新旧訳聖書を読むのワ-クショップ 3
分けてそれぞれの本質、違いを理解することが。争いをなくしや相互理解を深めることになると思う。 いいとこどりすればいい、すると各宗教のよい所がなくなる。下手をすると人を不幸にしお金を巻き上げることすら起きる。
英国 債権危機、市場見捨てず。 テスラ 新車 アメリカに先行して中国に投入。中国 株下落、積極財政へ。ウオール街 アナリスト調査部門縮小。 Workshop on Reading the Old and New Testaments 3
God is one, isn’t He?
In Japan, it is often said that Buddha and Christ are the same. However, I cannot agree with this statement. While many feel discomfort toward monotheism, I believe that understanding the essence and differences of each religion separately will help reduce conflict and deepen mutual understanding.
Simply picking the good aspects of each religion may lead to the loss of their unique qualities. In the worst-case scenario, such an approach could even bring unhappiness to people and result in exploitation, such as taking their money.
Some say that God exists in the heavens or in nature, and others say God resides in one’s heart. I struggle to accept these views as equivalent. The concept of the heavens and the human inner world are fundamentally different.
Perhaps we should consider that due to differences in religion, the Earth is inhabited not just by the same humans but by different kinds of beings—almost like extraterrestrials.
God is not one, humanity is not one. The heavens are not one.
By considering that different “extraterrestrials” exist on Earth, we may find a path to peace.
Additional Topics:
The Bible:
The execution of John the Baptist and the recruitment of Jesus' disciples occurred during the same period.
Judicial review powers, the Self-Defense Forces, and the inequality of vote value in electoral districts.
Public Assistance Act:
Key issues and perspectives.
Types of Medical Institution Guidance:
Designation revocation, reprimand, and caution.
Natural Science Papers:
Positioning of natural healing powers within medical treatment.
Bloomberg Updates:
UK Debt Crisis: The market hasn’t abandoned British bonds.
Tesla’s New Models: Introduced in China before the US.
China: Stocks declining, signaling a shift toward proactive fiscal policies.
Wall Street: Downsizing in analyst research departments.
Suggested Hashtags:
#BibleStudy #ReligiousDiversity #Philosophy #PeaceBuilding
#ConstitutionalLaw #PublicAssistance #NaturalScience #Healthcare
#GlobalEconomy #BloombergNews #Tesla #ChinaEconomy
#WorkshopInsights #EconomicTrends #SEO #EnglishTranslation