消された項目 統計 歴史 結合点 私の立場
消された項目 統計 歴史 結合点 私の立場
各統計の裏にある、関連制度、更に良くしようとした市民の動き。緑、大店舗、まちづくりやごみ、自然保護 教師と保護者の手による教師教育改革。老人福祉の制度。その歴史は、今の若者の生き方と断絶するものではない。数字はその接点になると思う。
#経済分析 #産業分類#産業連関#衣食住関連#情報#不動産#食品加工#若者#歴史#哲学
Deleted items, statistics, history, junction point, my position
The current statistics are created based on the reflection of war. They exist for accurate judgment. I wonder if both citizens and the administration are forgetting that. Starting from there is meaningful after all.
Behind each statistic, there are related systems, and the movements of citizens who tried to improve them. Green initiatives, large stores, town development, waste management, environmental conservation, teacher education reform initiated by teachers and guardians, and the elderly welfare system. The history of these is not disconnected from the lifestyle of today's youth. I believe the numbers can be a point of contact.
It would be good if data science professionals revisit the overlooked items and make them the subject of data processing. From there, a good story may emerge. It would be nice if this leads to the evolution of the information industry, which is said to be strong in Kamakura. It would be nice if it leads to the evolution of the real estate industry. It would be nice if it leads to the evolution of the food processing and manufacturing industry. It would be good if the analysis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry leads to the next step.
Consultants, data science professionals, I will clarify the overlooked items, numbers, and history.
#EconomicAnalysis #IndustryClassification #IndustrialInterconnection #DailyNecessities #Information #RealEstate #FoodProcessing #Youth #History #Philosophy "