地域で大人になるということ 子供食堂の関わり
#こども食堂 ”養護施設”#ひきこもり#大学生#起業家#コンサルタント#哲学#大人
Becoming an Adult in the Community
By getting involved with a children's cafeteria, I have come to know those who struggle with living as adults after leaving care homes at the age of 18, and I've become aware of children with hidden developmental disabilities. However, I haven't encountered cases of hikikomori (social withdrawal), their parents, or families living in poverty. Becoming an adult is difficult.
But it’s also challenging to keep changing as an adult. As children grow up and as we age in our workplaces, it becomes harder to learn and accept change. Perhaps it is I who haven’t fully matured into an adult. That might be the reason why I haven't encountered hikikomori, their parents, or families in poverty. This is something I’m reflecting on.
Talking to university students who volunteer at the children's cafeteria, young local entrepreneurs, and younger colleagues at work, and observing their reactions, I’ve realized:
I want to avoid leaning too much towards philosophy or history, and without bowing to considerations, I want to become more clear and transparent. I aim to progress step by step and be able to explain things to many generations. I want to stop neglecting or belittling English, programming, logic tree manuals, or proposal writing.
#Children 'sCafeteria #CareHome #Hikikomori #University #Entrepreneur #Consultant #Philosophy #Adulthood