Our's Ark 2020 story
It was completed! Story mapping of Noah's Ark motif.
The tournament I entered was postponed in the fall,
The original scheduled event date, June 6th, will publish a 3D simulation projection online.It's a story that I definitely want to deliver.
This page introduces the flow of the story so that it can be transmitted to Polish people.
空からの滴 Drops from the sky
命が芽吹く Life sprout
物語の始まり The beginning of the story
どこか懐かしく愛おしい景色 Somewhere nostalgic and dear
花が繰り返し Flowers repeat
芽吹いて咲いて Buds bloom
消えてゆく Diminishing
180度世界が変わる 180 degrees change the world
綺麗だけど窮屈な花 Beautiful but cramped flowers
それまでとは違う在り方に To be different from before
生まれる不安 Anxiety to be born
忍び寄る3匹のヘビ Creeping three snakes
過去・現在・未来を Past, present and future
見据えるように覗き込む Look into it
変わっていく状況 Changing situation
護るべく物を中に収め Put things inside to protect
扉が閉ざされる The door is closed
Water swallows everything except the ark
恐れていた水の底 The bottom of the water I was afraid of
The silence that wraps everything up like a womb
抗うことなく沿う魚たち Fishes without resistance
運命の輪は回り続ける The wheel of fate continues to spin
調和のとれたせかい Harmonious world
果てしない宇宙 Endless universe
不可侵なエネルギー With invincible energy
見上げているのはちっぽけな自分自身 I'm looking down on myself
街から水が引いていく Water is draining from the city
再び生まれる命の輝き The radiance of life reborn
明日へと向かう鳥たちと With the birds heading for tomorrow
新しい朝の光に染まる木々 Trees dyed in the new morning light
物語はそっと閉じる The story closes gently
街のシンボル的な建物に In a symbolic building of the city
それぞれの想いをよせて Give each thought
命の歴史 History of life
破壊と再生の物語 The story of destruction and regeneration
どうにもならない嵐は The uncontrollable storm
ただ過ぎるのを待つしかない I just have to wait
恐れていることを自覚して Be aware of fear
もう割り切って 受け入れて Accept and accept
執着から解かれましょう Let's get rid of attachment
ほら 世界はこんなにも美しい You see, the world is so beautiful
Harmonious world
It happens that life is born in a balanced world of miracles
It doesn't matter whether people are in the world or not
Life in a given environment
Just Born, alive, die
No matter what the world becomes
It's the same thing unchanged
Live your life to the fullest. Maybe it's just that.
Lost or lost, I'm alive now
I can still produce gentleness Visual
I wish a gentle chain of happiness spread
I will deliver it to you with a wish
I hope it will encourage you
So that the world is not just despair
With love