マグロはすべて食べられるそうです All parts of the tuna is eadible
`== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Food loss has become an issue.
Tuna is said to be edible in all its organs, head, and bones.
But what we usually eat are toro (fatty tuna) and akami (lean tuna).
Therefore, some parts are thrown away or become food for farmed fish.
There is a tuna restaurant called Tuna Standard that opened in Tokyo in March.
The restaurant serves dishes made from parts of the tuna that are not usually used for food.
"Tuna restaurant aims to reduce loss of tuna, a model for the SDGs.
SDGsの範、マグロ味わう ロス削減めざす飲食店開業 希少・未利用部位、あぶりで" (NIKKEI MJ 06, 06, 2022)
There are many parts of tuna that are edible but have not been eaten until now.
There are many things that have been thrown away without being utilized.
We should not be obsessed with "common sense".
"Common sense" changes with the times.
"Common sense" differs from country to country and from region to region.
== Japanese original ==
"SDGsの範、マグロ味わう ロス削減めざす飲食店開業 希少・未利用部位、あぶりで" (6月6日付日経MJ)