タイミングは大切 When doing something, timing is important!

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==

When we do something, timing is important.
・Whether or not a new product or service will be accepted by many people.
・Whether or not the technology is there to realize a great idea.
What would not have been possible five years ago may be possible now.

Kikyo Shingen Mochi (桔梗信玄餅)is a product of a company called Kikokoya in Yamanashi Prefecture.
It is a mochi dipped in soybean flour called きな粉 kinako and topped with “黒みつ kuromitsu” brown sugar syrup.

The mochi comes in a plastic container.
A little bit of きな粉 kinako and 黒みつ kuromitsu is left on the container.

Kikokuya received a request from a customer who wanted to eat all the きな粉 kinako and 黒みつ kokumitsu in the plastic container.
This was more than 50 years ago.

Then, on December 24 last year, Kikyo Shingen Mochi Kiwami(桔梗信玄餅 極)was launched.
The container is now edible instead of plastic.

Why hasn't it been commercialized for over 50 years?
The idea of making the container edible has been around for 50 years.
But then the price would become higher.

If the price became higher, it would become difficult to sell.
So, for a long time, it was not commercialized.

Why was it commercialized in December of last year?
The main reason is that the world's awareness of the SDGs and people's awareness of the environment has changed.

So the time has come to commercialize it.

== Japanese Original Version ==



そして、昨年12月24日から「桔梗信玄餅 極」という商品が発売されました。入れ物がプラスチックではなく食べられるようになりました。



