つくばにいる中東アフリカからの(現・元)留学生さんに会いたい! Love to meet (current and former) international students from Middle East Africa in Tsukuba! 

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
If you know any international students or former international students from the Middle East or Africa who are at the University of Tsukuba or at our research institute in Tsukuba, please introduce them to us.

It would be helpful if you could DM us from the following instagram account.

On Friday, July 23, I will visit Tsukuba by Tsukuba Express.
I will go directly from Tsukuba Station to the University of Tsukuba, and plan to stay at the university all day.
I will also go to a bar (?) that international students often go to in the evening.
Then I will return to Tokyo from Tsukuba on Saturday, the 24th.

The purpose of my visit to Tsukuba is only one thing.
To meet international students and former international students.

I would like to meet not only international students but also Japanese people who are interested in the Middle East and Africa, and people who are interested in exchanges with students from the Middle East and Africa.

What is the purpose of meeting?
The purpose is to explain what I am trying to do and to get their opinions and advice as a party to it.
As a result, I would be very happy if they agree with what I am trying to do and register on our SNS.

I heard that there are many students from the Middle East and Africa at the University of Tsukuba. (I could not find any data on the Net).
Taking this opportunity, I would like to meet as many international students and former international students as possible on the 22nd and 23rd.

If you know any international students or former international students from the Middle East or Africa who are at the University of Tsukuba or the research institute in Tsukuba, please introduce them to us.
It would be helpful if you could DM me from the following instagram account.

== Japanese transkation ==







