うららかな 春の日差し
浴衣姿の若い女 昼寝中
浴衣の裾 めくれてる
胸もと はだけてる
帯さえ ほどけてる
昼寝にしては いとおかし
酔っぱらい 指さし笑う
唇から 紅が垂れ
腹から 日本刀生え
酔っばらい 土に吐く
女の悲鳴 空を裂く
風に舞う 桜の花びら
散ってなお まだ見頃
Cherry-Blossom Viewing
Beautiful spring sunshine
Under the cherry tree in full bloom
Young woman in yukata taking a nap
The hem of the yukata is turned over
Her chest is bare
Even the obi is come loose
It's very strange to take a nap
Drunk man points to her and laughs
The red drips from her lips
A Japanese sword grows from her belly
A drunken man spits on the soil
A woman's scream splits the sky
Dancing in the wind Cherry blossom petals
It is still in full bloom