
ごはん代を節約しながらの生活 / Living on a Budget by Cutting Food Costs









I've noticed lately that my food expenses are getting quite high, so I decided to start making my own lunch box. This time I’d like to share my experience and the reason of it.

During college, I didn’t cook much because of the shared kitchen in my living place. But after moving to Japan, cooking became essential to save money. These days, I can cook decently enough for myself, although I’ve never made anything for others! After starting my job, though, I mostly relied on eating out or grabbing convenience store bentos. But recently, while studying finances and independence, I realized how much I was spending on food!

Little by little, I started waking up earlier to make simple lunches. Dishes like tamagoyaki, oyakodon, and stir-fried shrimp with broccoli—stuff I can whip up in 30 minutes or less. Initially, I was only packing lunches twice a week, but eventually, I made it a daily habit. I also tried meal prep for the week on weekends, freezing portions for the next five days.

There are three main reasons I stopped eating out and buying convenience store bentos. First, the cost. Eating out was getting expensive, so I wanted to save. Second, health. I learned that convenience store bentos aren't exactly the healthiest option, especially for someone who want to work out. Third, eating out with friends became difficult since some of them don’t eat meat, which limited restaurant options. It was always the same places, and I got bored, so making my own lunches became the better option.

That said, eating my own cooking every day does get a bit repetitive. To keep things interesting, I treat myself to eating out once a week. Today was that day! For lunch, I went to an Italian-style restaurant and tried the “Crab Cream Paella.” It was mostly cream, with crab as decoration only, and honestly, it wasn’t great. For dinner, I hit up my favorite sushi chain, Hamazushi, where I can eat a lot for cheap. My top pick there is the "Ebi Rare Steak"—delicious!

Trying to take a picture better
“Crab Cream Paella”
Always order this at first and last order
"Ebi Rare Steak"
