#相模原事件 「日本の刺殺事件は私のような障がい者に対する周到に計画されたヘイトクライムだ」|英紙インディペンデント(2016.7.28)【超訳】 #726追悼 #PrayForSagamihara
The Japan stabbing is a hate crime against people like me
2016年7月26日未明、相模原の障がい者介護施設で戦後史上最悪といわれる大量刺殺事件が発生した。障害者19人が死亡し26人が負傷したというこの凄惨な事件を同28日、英紙『インディペンデント』が辛辣に報じた。このコラム記事は、同紙の『Voices』というカテゴリのもので、「オピニオン」欄に掲載された。執筆者は同紙コラムニストのアラン・ヘネシー(Allan Henessey)氏で、自身も視覚障害を患う障がい者であることが記事の内容から読み取れる。このコラムは、「当事者視点」で書かれている。その言葉は、極めて辛辣である。そのことを前提に、以下邦訳(但し”超訳”)した。
「植松聖の忌むべきテロ行為の背景には、私たち障害者が、抑圧され、人間扱いされず、憎悪されているという冷徹な現実がある。」右目が全盲で手術により左目の約一割の視力が回復した著者のアラン・ヘネシー氏 pic.twitter.com/KeTmTaMfy0
— 💫T.Katsumi #NOlympicsAnywhere🚫 (@tkatsumi06j) July 28, 2016
The Japan stabbing is not just terrorism - it’s a hate crime that disabled people like me live in fear of
Allan Hennessey
※Allan Hennessey氏の自伝的コラム
Behind Satoshi Uematsu’s grotesque act of terror lies a sobering reality: we, the disabled, are oppressed, dehumanised and hated
The last 30 days have been blood-soaked in unparalleled tragedy. From Turkey to Baghdad, from Nice to the US, terrorism has taken numerous innocent lives. There is no longer time to mourn; before commentators can even try to piece events together, yet more numbing news breaks.
そう考えてみれば、先日、東京の郊外の障がい者施設で起きた、18人が死亡し27人が負傷したといわれる「刺殺祭り(stabbing spree)」事件は、恐怖とテロに怯えなければならない、この新しい世界の一つの現実として捉えられるのかもしれない。
You’d be forgiven, then, for thinking that yesterday’s stabbing spree at a centre for the disabled just outside Tokyo, which left 18 dead and 27 injured, was another part of this new world of fear and terror. But Japan is different. This was not just an act of terrorism; it was a premeditated hate crime against disabled people - and the worst massacre in Japan’s history since World War II.
Satoshi Uematsu, a 26-year-old former employee of the facility, crept in on his former patients at dawn, stabbing each victim, one by one in their sleep. “I did it,” he told police as he handed himself in. “It is better that disabled people disappear.”
Chillingly, Uematsu had previously written to Japanese authorities offering to methodically “wipe out” Japan’s disabled community. His letter repeats the claim that “all disabled people should cease to exist”. “I envision a world where a person with multiple disabilities can be euthanised,” he wrote.
This atrocity has all the hallmarks of a psychopath-at-large; another quiet, unsuspecting, Xbox-loving weasel comes out of the woodwork to thrust the world into a state of perplexed grief. It would be easy to confine this latest tragedy to that peculiar, theatrical set of facts. Yet, Uematasu’s attack on the outskirts of Tokyo is symptomatic of a wider problem.
What makes Uematsu a psychopath is the utterly savage manner in which he acted on his contempt for the disabled, but behind his grotesque act of terror lies a sobering reality: we, the disabled, are oppressed, dehumanised and hated.
私たち障がい者は、社会の発展を妨げるものだと捉えられている。ひん死の経済から活力を奪う存在で、厳しい国家運営を迫られる国家に寄生する存在だと。「納税者」であるあなた方の大切な収入を吸い取る「怠け者のヒル(lazy leeches)」のような存在だと。
We are seen as a hindrance to society, sucking the life out of a dying economy, feeding off the struggling state. We are the lazy leeches who rob you, “the taxpayer”, of your hard-earned wages.
The UK is no exception.
As a disabled person, I have felt the sting of ablest contempt. It comes in the form of irritation from passengers who give up their seats on the bus because it’s now rude not to. It comes as shouting, impatient doctors who conflate my blindness for deafness. It’s the indignant lecturers who are asked to reformat their inaccessible PowerPoint presentations. And it’s the bouncer in Norwich who assaulted me because my “loopy eyes” suggested I was “too fucked” to get into the club.
Fortunately, at the time of writing, I haven’t been the subject of hate crime. Yet. Last year saw a 213 per cent rise in hate crime against people with disabilities. According to the charity Scope, one in six disabled people have experienced intimidating or aggressive behaviour.
これらの犯罪的行為は、単なる攻撃に留まらない場合がある。ニューキャッスルでは、リー・アーヴィング(Lee Irving)という24歳の自閉症の青年が無残にも殺された。警察は、障がい者へのヘイトクライムだという。彼も、日本の犠牲者らと同じように、刺し殺された。彼の遺体は、彼の母親の実家から16キロ離れた枯草の咲く野原に放置された。
Some of these crimes are more than just petty attacks. In Newcastle, 24-year-old Lee Irving, who had autism, was brutally murdered in what police believed to be a disability hate crime. He, like the Japan victims, was stabbed to death, his body abandoned on a patch of yellowing grass, 10 miles from his mother’s home.
The world is a bitterly ugly place to live in right now; wars, coups and bombs plague us. But for disabled people, living in an atmosphere of fear and anxiety is nothing new. It’s the way it’s always been for us, and unless perceptions of our place in society change, it looks like it’s going to stay that way.