Japanese learning note - blood sugar (Day3)

My mom is nurse and she checked my blood sugar after a dinner one day at the beginning of this year. Then we realised that I got myself in a big trouble after I moved to Tokyo 8 months ago.

My blood glucose (blood sugar) was unbelievably high and was near the level of type 2 diabetes


For a normal person, the blood glucose is no higher than 120 mg/dL 2 hours after meal, but my was 190 mg/dL, it is prediabetic level. (photo from http://www.bloodsugarbattles.com/) 

Why did that happen? .... because there are just so many delicious sweets in Japan, I do not think anyone in the world can say NO to them.

Anyways, knowing my problem, I tried to eat less carbohydrate and sweets for the past 4 months (OMG I really miss them), this is what my typical meal looks like now, and if you compare it with my meal 4 months ago, yes, very very different.


The first day was really tough, I will definitely write another post to share about how did I get rid of sugar and the struggles I went through.

Actually, this post is about English and Japanese learning, considering that I am taking a course called Introduction to Food and Health which is provided by Stanford University on Coursera for free. 

There are some nice points about food, so I try to translate the original sentences into Japanese. 

Ok, here we go.

・The human body runs on food.

・Once, food shortage was the major concern. 

・After the Second World War, technological advances in food production led to a new era that was characterized by an overabundance of inexpensive food, and relatively little physical activity.

・We are living in a food environments that fails to support our health.

・A food that's high in refined carbohydrates, like white bread or soda, will lead to a more rapid release of glucose into the blood.

Let's keep low blood sugar and carry on.
