

I'm completely out of gas. I have time, but I just don't have the motivation to do anything. Since long ago, when I'm tired, I tend to act in three different ways. The first type is when I automatically switch to 'safety mode' and my mind drifts off to another world. The second type also goes into 'safety mode' automatically, but my mind stays in this world. The third type is when I force myself into 'safety mode' and do absolutely nothing. Right now, I'm in the second type. I think the reason I hardly remember busy periods from the past is that I protect myself by going into 'safety mode' with all three types. I'm really bad at managing my schedule. I want to become someone who can create free time and be considerate of those around me. I know I'm not in a position to say this, but please take care of yourselves, everyone.


続けるモチベーションになります。よければお願いしますm(_ _)m